Sunday, October 4, 2020

I voted!

I just sent my ballot in to King County. It's so nice they give citizens overseas extra time. 

It wasn't easy researching some of the issues because the articles I found were from news sources that collect types of personal data not allowed in the EU. It was frustrating; I just couldn't vote on a few things. 

Exactly 4 issues were directly related to George Floyd, those at least, I could read about.

I'm disappointed that King County does not list "arguments for/against" etc for *all* the local issues. 

Oh well it feels good to have voted.


AareneX said...

Thanks for voting, I know it's a much bigger hassle over there!

Nat D said...

voting is so important! even though im north of the border, im anxiously waiting the results of november...

TeresaA said...

Voting is so important. I have little patience for people who choose to not vote.

Kitty Bo said...

Good for you!