Saturday, September 19, 2020

Today and 2021/2022

I've been waiting for the time to ask my husband to work with me to restore the fence that the Wupper Verband destroyed, when they removed our ponds. They said they didn't need me to come down and remove fence. They lied. So they cut through our wires and ripped out our T posts and only today did I realize the extent of the damage.

J analyzed the situation and suddenly it was clear how much damage they'd done to our fence. Posts were crooked and pushed too far in, and all the T post caps and rings were covered in mud, as evidence they'd been torn out. They had made a mess that took us all day to clean.

Thanks to Aarene, we now have a much, much easier way to clean up that mess. We have a T post puller and a T post rammer. We both laughed today about how we built the entire 5 acre fence without such fancy tools. Literally standing on a ladder and pounding a rubber hammer onto the top of a T post. STUPID US. 

My husband was extraordinarily motivated and he ripped out all the posts they'd messed up. And the corner, we had to completely remove the corner and re-set it. (See previous blog post for what the heck a T post corner is.)

I worry that he'll hurt himself with his Bandscheibenunfall. He got attacked by fire ants at one point and I know how that feels.

The cute thing was that the donkey stayed by our sides the entire time. I mean, hours of her just standing there on the other side of the fence, looking curious, even using both ears to stare at what J was doing, which donkeys rarely do. 

At one point J was taking a break sitting in a chair down there with Bellis standing on the other side of the fence, half asleep. Then he stood up suddenly and I cracked up laughing as the donkey spooked and whirled a 180. Donkeys don't do that often!

She stayed down there with us the entire time. Mag was up over our heads on the hillside, trimming the grass. He really does not like the sound of the T post rammer!

I am so thankful to have a husband who will sacrifice an entire day to horse fence building/repairing. I told him it's enough, it's enough, but he kept going. When he was done pounding T posts, his hands were trembling. 

This is not his hobby. He'd have lived his whole life happily in downtown Wuppertal if he hadn't met me.

I remembered tonight that it was in downtown Vancouver that I realized I could not live without him. He expressed his love to me so eloquently. That was it, I would give up everything.

Almost everything. He encouraged me keep the horsey thing. 

Next year we'll be in America longer than ever before and I hope to meet the people I've been blogging to all this time (since 2001). 

J's dream is to  travel the country probably starting in Idaho. I support him in this dream. But I guess we cannot be sure of anything in 2020 and 21. 

If any of my readers would host us overnight, we'd be thrilled and fulfill his dream of seeing all of America. If a hotel is near you and you would like to meet us, that's cool too: ) 

Something to look forward to, especially seeing my family again (since 4/2018). Counting the days.


Becky Bean said...

US! <3

AareneX said...

You are ALWAYS welcome to stay with us, although I realize that you have family nearby.

Travelling around sounds amazing. I hope the world changes soon to make that possible.

TeresaA said...

Our husbands are so wonderful, aren’t they? If you come to Canada I’d be happy to host. 😁

EvenSong said...

I’ve used post pounders for ever, but only a few years ago had the good luck to borrow a puller...and immediately went out and bought my own! The right tools make a job so much easier (though pounding posts is still a hard, heavy job)!
Please come camp in my overnighter horse trailer! J can play with the tractor and you can play with the horses!

EvenSong said...

And Allan is the same as J: says he always thought “paint” was something you put on a house! But he really enjoys mucking and hanging out with the herd, and will lend a hand if I need it.

lytha said...

Aarene, we will hook up for sure as always. This time less bee sting for J at the horse trailer parking!

Teresa, I always thought of Nova Scotia as closer to Europe than my family in Seattle. But my husband and I just mapped it with Google Earth. I'm wrong. We've never been that for East in North America. We would love to see it. And I'll eat all the seafood.

Evensong, We've been to Roslyn a few times cuz J is a huge Northen Exposure fan. We did the North Cascades tour last visit but I'm not sure we've been to E town. Wait, we hid a geocache in Salmon le Sac!

I named the cache "Stock users Only" because that was the sign I hid the cache on, in the campground. I miss my home!

JenK said...

You are both more than welcome to stay here! ( 10 miles north of Lexington, KY )

We were actually hoping to get back to Germany next year too after our son graduates from high school to show him the klinkenhaus where he was born and the village and flat we lived in at the time. Here's to hoping we're all able to travel by next year!!

lytha said...

JenK, Kentucky, wow. That is definitely somewhere new for both of us. You're near Kentucky Horse Park?!! Where did you live in Germany? We're between Cologne and Wuppertal. Isn't it sad that we have to wonder whether travel will be an option next year?

irish horse said...

I hope you come to Auburn during Tevis! (July 24). If not, just come anyway! My house is sadly too tiny, but there are local air bnb available.

JenK said...

Hi Lytha, Yes! We are a few minutes from the Kentucky Horse Park :). We go there every year for the Southern Lights display. We're not too far from Keeneland either if you wanted to see a really pretty track. We lived in Bavaria NW of Regensburg for a few years. We moved back to the states at the end of 2003 though. It was just an awesome experience that I wish lasted a bit longer.

Gina said...

I am in North Carolina outside of Charlotte, on a little horse farm. We would love to host you for a short stay. I have no idea if you plan to come out this way, but we have a guest room that you could use.