Sunday, September 13, 2020

Tick & finding myself on facebook with SB

Is it bad when a tick bite blows up into a water blister? Sorry for the nasty visual but that is what I'm living with, again. In Jan 2017 one turned into an eschar (a black, necrotic hole) and I have a scar that looks like someone stuck me with a lit cigar. This time, I don't know. This time I'm sure it's a tick cuz I removed 3 of them from my left leg this week before one blew up. WTH. I looked at medical papers and I've never heard of this reaction. I favor the idea of living in a state on fire rather than having ticks wound me for life with the potential for neurological issues to come. I may be wrong, I've never lived in Seattle while smoked out. I'm honestly asking if any of you with experience can tell me how bad it is when a tick bite turns to an oversized water blister.


30 minutes ago I got a text from S1 saying, in English, cuz she's good, "I saw a pic of you riding Mag. So happy."

OK then. 

SB and I had our first trail ride together with her dressage horse Lilyfee and me and Mag.




SB posted to facebook immediately on arrival home. 

Me on Mag.

Her in Missoula, Montana.

Her trailer parked in our freaking pasture!



Nat D said...

Looking good! (Minus the tick bites of course)

Tina said...

Sweet! <3 Great pictures! I know nothing about Tick bites but I sure wonder if it's a allergic reaction.

Shaste said...

Don't know about the ticks but I can tell you the smoke is awful (we're in Olympia) we can't go outside at all. I feel bad for our horses, I wonder what this is doing to their lives. Just glad the fires close to us are under control.

Camryn said...

Never had one blow up. Did have one with classic bullseye rash. Treated for limes and it left a scar as you described. It’s been more than 10 years, still looks like a cigarette burn!

irish horse said...

A ride, with photos? Do tell!

Those tick bites sound nasty, do they have creepy tick diseases like here in the US (Lyme, Rocky Mountain Fever, etc)? Careful!

Nicole A said...

I was bit by ticks plenty while living in the tropics and never had an issue...until one bit me on the ankle after moving to Maryland. (I removed the tick from the spot so I knew for sure that's what had bit me.) I developed a blister and was really itchy and sore around the area. Went to the local walk-in clinic and, after explaining the situation, they put me on doxycycline just in case. I didn't get a bullseye rash, but Lyme disease isn't the only crazy thing you can get from a tick and doxy treats most of those things.

lytha said...

Irish, lyme is called borreliose here, after the bacteria in the tick. What's weird is the number of ticks J and I have pulled off our bodies this year, while our horse and donkey have had zero. I found a tick walking on my hand this week - wth - are they able to fly now?

HHmplace said...

I'm in "smoke country" now. With the eerie color of the air - people wearing masks & the announcement's over the PA systems in the stores. They threaten; "Wear your mask properly or we'll kick you out etc" - it's like living in a weird science fiction movie...