Thursday, September 10, 2020

72 March - The first turnout

First I wanted to ask for advice with Blogger. As of yesterday, I cannot add images by linking directly to an external server (by manually inputting HTML). In 2013 Blogger told me I'd used up all its free server space and I had to start inputting manually. No problem. But now I can't, and they're letting me do it the old way again (by clicking the add image button). The only reason I can imagine is that they want ownership of my images. Which is fine, I don't care. I guess I'll have to be cognizant of anytime I post someone else's photos here. Is this a thing or just a glitch?

On to March! We finished the fence and this is the view from my living room window, woo!


JenK said...

Ah the Arab exploration "I'm a tough guy, but will whirl and run off in a second" snort. My horse plays that card on the trail too. They look so happy and bouncing around exploring their new area! Very cute how Bellis is joining in the romp!!

Nicole A said...

For the past 9 years of blogging, I have always used the "Add Image" icon for Blogger, but I believe the new version doesn't support the HTML editing feature. I personally hate the new version with a passion: if it becomes a sure thing, I am not going to be able to use Blogger at all. For now I keep requesting to switch back to the now so-called "Legacy" version. (Old version.)I don't think that what you're encountering is a claiming ownership of images thing; I think it has to do with their side of coding, but I'm not a computer design person so who knows. If there is any doubt about who took a picture I post on my blog, I give credit or simply write "Photo from the internet" in the caption underneath. Short of putting a giant watermark on all the pictures a person shares online, in this era of screen captures it's impossible to keep anyone from sharing/stealing one's photos online.

lytha said...

JenK, I'm glad you enjoyed it, especially Bellis joining in.

Saiph, you have more images on your blog than anyone I know. I wonder how that is possible. Do you pay? There is an HTML option, maybe it's working again, I'll try. Then again, it sure is nice to just click add image! What is it you don't like about the new interface?

Nicole A said...

I can't use the interface on the computer at all! Like, *AT ALL.* I can read blog posts, but when I try to compose a new one, I just get a blank screen. It's just like what the old interface used to do on Safari if I tried to compose on my phone...except now it's the opposite. And I just can't compose blog posts from my phone. I write too much: I need a real keyboard. My August recap post was late because I was trying to use the new interface on Carlos's tablet as a sort of intermediate step, but it was still annoying af trying to type on a digital keyboard. (I'm keyboard trained, 55 wpm average, but I lose all of that speed on digital keyboards.) The thing is, Chrome is supposed to be the best browser for Blogger, and I am having this problem with Chrome on the computer.

Re: photos: years ago, Liz Stout gave me the tip of using Flickr as a backup storage system for photos. I believe she used the "add image" icon and "add photo from URL" option, but I found it to be clunky and for some reason, the Flickr app never worked smoothly on my phone: always had issues uploading the photos for some reason; it would take multiple attempts. I decided to try Google Photo instead, which is very similar: you can upload photos privately, and you can set it up so that the phone will upload automatically when you are connected to Wifi. In order for the photos to upload to the blog, they must be public. So I go through the month and choose which photos I'm going to want on the blog and add them to public folders. Once that is done, I just go to the image icon on Blogger and choose "Add photo from Google Album Archive" and I can see my Google photo albums there. It sounds complicated but is honestly super easy and smooth. The best part is that Google Photo has unlimited free storage! So it's a fantastic backup for my photos instead of storing them on the computer like I used to and having to upload them to the blog from there.