Monday, May 27, 2019

Birthday blanket

It poured all night so I got to try out the new rain sheet on Mag a day before my birthday. It's nice to have this new option!


I love the high neck; it keeps the chest dry.


This is their greatest feature, I think, this front closure. I have this blanket in a 250gram, it was Mara's so I've been using it at least 5 Winters and it's still going strong.


This version has reflectors front and back, and a completely superfluous third belly strap.


TeresaA said...

It looks good on him.

EvenSong said...

I have thre variations of the Horseware “Wugs” in the barn, either bought by me, or on my recommendation. I also really like the front closure, as it allows freer shoulder movement. And I like the high neck for the same reason as you, they don’t get rain down their neck and shoulders. And, yes, one of them had the extra belly strap...not sure what they were thinking was the benefit there.

lytha said...

T, thank you, it's a bit of a dress, but still fits.: )

ES, Really! Wait, rain? I keep imagining your horses wandering into the thick Lucerne fields, and getting rained upon by irrigation, and no problem, they have Wugs on. *lol* Sorry! Correct me if I'm wrong but isn't the hay grown there facilitated by the rivers? I'm totally curious cuz it's a sloppy, wet place I live in now, with hay fields surrounding us, the problem being too much rain.

Shirley, thank you! I'm almost 50!

EvenSong said...

Sorry, but I wasn’t very clear... I have three winter weight Wugs, for a couple of the old farts. You’re right, don’t need much for summer time, as we are irrigated high desert. I do have a very nice high neck Horze rain sheet for Kate, for when we are at clinics or competitions with just pens (no stalls), because it does rain sometimes, ar just to keep her warmer when she can’t move around freely. (We hosted a clinic here this last weekend, and it POURED all Saturday night and Sunday morning,) (Aarene is getting some of that on her cross state ride, too...)

AareneX said...

Happy birthday!

I will tell you what my mentor said to me after my 30th birthday: that 30 was awesome, and 40 was better, and 50 was better still!

(She did not have good things to say about 60, but I noticed that she was on a bicycling tour is Slovenia for her 60th birthday! )

Kitty Bo said...

He looks so white and sparkly.