Thursday, May 30, 2019

Before my ride Tuesday

I asked J to take photos of Mag and me leaving our house.

Good boy Mag.

I'm checking for traffic. During the time it took to take these photos, we had to jump out of the way of cars 3 times.


This was the day I switched Mag to his Summer Look - his white tack which had waited patiently in my attic all Winter. I totally enjoyed the feel of those beta reins with stops as we rode. I'm doing a lot of dressage on trail lately, to feel more connected with Mag and less a passenger.


I'm doing a lot of simple bending, and requesting that he give to the bit. Also lots of leg yielding back and forth across the trail, with distinct leg so he learns that it doesn't mean "speed up." He's a little "mare-ish" about my leg, so it's important that I do this exercise a lot.




I love my new blue Summer Kerrits breeches that Tami sent me. They're not spandex like all my others, but that's OK. I have to hitch them up once I get on, *lol* Normal breeches, I'd forgotten what they're like.


TeresaA said...

these are awesome photos. we need J to follow you for a whole ride and take photos. :)

lytha said...

omg you should have seen his face when I told him your very nice comment. He's in the middle of a 4-day weekend grading SATs for advanced math. He's the back-up grader (two per student) and the first teacher had been so lenient, he's beside himself. Basically the students didn't show their work, and the other teacher let it go. I think being a teacher must suck, cuz he's always working evenings and weekends and never can really let down. He really cares that the kids learn, and he's in there groaning in agony at their SATs. I'm just giving him food and sweets and slippers and I made a fire cuz he was cold, what else can I do. I certainly can't help grade SATs!

So, I guess no photos on trail *giggle*

Nat D said...

Teachers are the best, but grading does suck. And then, there is that long summer break. Whatever will you do?

AareneX said...

Great photos--even the safety vest looks great!

Sorry about J's long weekend--that's one of the reasons I left teaching and became a librarian!

lytha said...

ND, Summer break is 6 weeks in Germany. That's cuz they get longer Spring and Autumn breaks. Sadly the last 2 weeks of Summer break are filled with preparing for the next year. I guess this is typical around the world, that teachers never really get a break, even on their breaks.

Aarene, thank you! In case you didn't know, this is the vest that Luxemburg Air made me wear when we arrived on the plane with Baasha. I had to wear it at all times on the ground, in quarantine. It says VISITOR on it. I knew the moment they gave it to me I would not be giving it back. The entire thing says, "Lux Air CARGO Visitor"

Yah, I flew with my horsie: )

But I definitely use that thing for my own self-preservation in street traffic and trail (bike) traffic. I figure one extra second of a driver seeing us could save us an accident.

Kitty Bo said...

Great pictures and such a sparkly horse!

HHmplace said...

Mag looks totally relaxed - beautiful country!