Saturday, May 25, 2019

Those ten minutes when Mag is clean after a bath

You tie him to a tree and try to get a good photo before he filthifies himself again in the mud.

Over the years, you try : )

I love this first photo so much. As hard as I tried to get, finally, one conformation shot of my horse where he's not sleeping, he either 1. Slept or 2. Fidgeted.

This particular fidget was cute. "I smash your flowers now!" Of course he's not thinking that but it looks like it. (This particular English language error is one of the most common you'll hear in Germany. They don't get the Present Continuous. Again, lucky you, if you learned English as a baby.)



If he were not half asleep, his innards would be innard. See what I mean, I need help! Also, he kept running into the wind chimes, to my amusement, because they did not bother him and they're loud.


You remind me of Pepton, Mag, your Uhr Opa (great grandfather). And he's a stallion, and you're a slouch. Pull it together.

Pepton is one of my favorites in Mag's pedigree, simply because of his bone quality. Then again, so many of them have 20cm cannon if they were bred for work ....not "Living Art".  

Did you know, some breeders of Arabian horses marketed them as such? I don't want to point a finger at Baasha's history, but...

This was an outrage to S Varian who said, "Do they RIDE them?".........and then she did.

Pepton's very honest photo is below (honest cuz the photographer did not angle the camera to make the horse appear to be standing on a hill, thus levelling a topline and growing the rear end).

I have simply got to get to Poland. 

J promised me a new country this year, and though Poland seems like a world away (hey, don't judge, after you live in Europe, 14 hours driving is a long drive), I wanna see them so much!

I'd always dreamed of seeing Baasha's sire, but he lived in B.F. Michigan. Who goes to Michigan?



TeresaA said...

He is positively gleaming! I bathed Carmen today. She rolled about 15 minutes after I put her back in the field. But at least I got the deep dirt from winter out. I guess. So I tell myself.

Nat D said...

Those pictures remind us of how stunning Mag is! Good job!
Poland is amazing (and very very affordable). I cant wait to hear about the cities you choose to go to. Will you drive or train?

AareneX said...

I gave the Dragon a bath today, day 8 on the Cascade to Palouse Trail, and left her tied up so I could get photos! And as soon as I untied her, you know what she did. Oh, yeah.

Shirley said...

He is a beauty! They never stay clean for long though.... love the smash flowers photo.

HHmplace said...
