Tuesday, June 11, 2019

Pentecost Tuesday ride

Germany's so weird. They have 1st Christmas and 2nd Christmas (not counting C Eve), Easter Sunday and Monday, Good Friday is a day of mourning and no public celebrations are allowed, and Pentecost lasts 3 days. Today is "3rd Pentecost."

I felt trepidation++ for our ride today, because everyone is out enjoying the weather, including the biggest tractors you can imagine ("monster tractors" I named them today).

A neighbor stopped his car by me and Mag and said, "You're very brave to be out here." Hm! Not brave at all, just faking it!

Ani was super late today so I had over a half hour wait at the bench. I tied Mag up immediately to the huge beech tree and left him cuz I wanted to check something out. The field beyond the woods looked pure white to me, and I wanted to know why. By the time I got to it I realized I'd never left Mag at such a distance. The field was completely infested with daisies. Which is lovely but doesn't make for the best hay.

I climbed back up the hill and Mag was perfectly fine, thank God, he had an ear on me the whole time so he didn't get too stressed. He doesn't like it when I leave him alone, but at least in this location he's OK.

Then I sat on the bench and drank my ice water and was super annoyed when a loose dog ran right up to Mag. The dog didn't even see me, he just circled Mag predatorily and ignored his owner who was holding the leash of a black Great Dane. She shouted out, "Oh my! I thought this horse was all alone in the woods!" I said, "Well, sometimes I have to pee, so he has to know this." (Not my most sophisticated of moments.) She said, "Well, he's doing it really well!" I said, "Thanks, we'll keep working on it!" Then she let her Welsh B sized dog off leash, ugh.

There was another lady leading her Berber horse and two Aussie dogs on leashes, how she juggles all three is impressive. She was polite and took a side trail to avoid coming near us.

By the time Ani arrived I was really worried about how this ride was going to go.

But Mag was fine. I even continued to ride past a spot where I would normally get off, and he felt indignant about it but adjusted. The only thing he did "wrong" today was to chomp the bit a lot. Not in an agitated way, in an almost playful way, he does have that oral fixation, so I didn't worry about it.

The horseflies are here, but they are not actively hunting us in the woods, or on the streets yet. They're in their infant phase where they seem a little daft and are not sure how to hunt yet. That will change in the next week, I'm sure. One hunted my car today (they love big warm objects) and got inside, but thankfully I was not driving so I could shoo it out. A horsefly in the car while I'm driving is a very bad thing.

Speaking of bugs, I am a pin cushion lately. I have FOUR tick bites on me right now, that keep me awake at night with burning and itching. No meds seem to work, only time. But then, I'll find yet another tick on me and the process starts anew. I had a dream the other night that my tick bite turned my entire thigh black and it had to be amputated. I woke up and it was just red, thankfully.

Lyme is not a thing in our region, but ticks are a daily threat. It sucks when you wake up in the morning and find one on you that's been eating you all night. They are just so much nastier than fleas. I've never seen a flea in Germany. I'll take fleas, bitte.

I haven't seen a tick on Mag all year, WTH. Why me? The cat has Frontline, after we found 2 ticks on her every single day for a while. Wish I could Frontline myself. Can I?

The owner of #72 came over and handed me a key - the key to a little shed that will soon belong to us. I cannot wait! She said we will plan a work party day where we will help them clear out all their junk from the properties. Um, huh? Why on earth is that our problem? Right, OK, then.

She gave us city maps of each and every property piece we will buy from her.  Now we have an idea where they are. All 7? of them. As you know, we don't want all that, we just want 72. But there is no other option, it's all or nothing.

Not sure when this will happen but hoping by end of the year we'll both own them and will have cleared the many, many fallen trees so we can get to the important thing, you know, something horsey.

Anyway, by the end of the ride we'd enountered 5 loose dogs, though they seemed to be under voice control, most of them anyway. But nothing bad happened despite 3rd Pentecost so I'm happy. Mag got 5 carrots in total during that ride, and afterwards I gave him lots of little carrot stubs.

No pics from today, but I had my first up-close baby deer experience this week.

I saw this singular female roe deer in our field twice in a row at 10 AM, and the second time I noticed she was being followed by a cat. Huh?


(Photos from Internet). WTH why would a cat follow a deer? I mean, it's way too small to be a deer baby. But it was. She saw me and led the baby from our pasture to 72, through the window I made so I can see my horse from my house.


I couldn't help myself, I very carefully made my way to 72 and she was standing right there. She spooked when she saw me, and her baby dropped to the ground instantly. She sprang away, leaving him. I was amazed because this baby instinctively knew spooking mom means drop and hide. 

I couldn't see the baby at all. When I finally found it (right where I was looking) it had curled into this tiny ball, literally the size of my cat. My cat is less than 3 kg, half the size of a normal cat. This baby's head was smaller than my hand. It must have been only hours old.

I marvelled at its stillness and didn't come any closer. But I could see its eye, deep black, and its eye did not move at all as it "watched" me. Not sure if it could see me, or if it's just another facet of immobility. I left and when I came back later, she had taken him.

I think they're still here on 72, where with all the fallen trees and blackberries, it's the perfect place to raise a baby. I'll call him Br'er Deer, at home in our briar patch.


Nicole A said...

In Puerto Rico it was Good Friday: Good Friday was the day where you absolutely made ZERO plans. You did not travel, you did not go out, you didn't have fun, because there was a very heavy superstition about bad things happening to you if you left your house. Which was really hard when you have a job that requires you to work Fridays.

Myself and my family have, of course, broken the superstition many, many times, but to this day when that date comes around we still always think before leaving the house in the morning, "It is Good Friday...I must be extra careful today."

I'm glad your day went well!

lytha said...

Saiph, I'm happy to see more similarities between our countries. On Good Friday many people here are not cognizant of the past, they would party if they could, I think. By law you may not make noise on that day (yard work, parties) and nothing public and positive is allowed (just wait a day). It's also a national holiday making it easier to not make noise/leave your house: ) So, like a Sunday, which is sacred here, no noise allowed. I admit, I'm starting to get used to Sundays in Germany - no businesses open, no work allowed. Finally ...a little: ) Interesting to hear the differences, the subtle ones, from you!

Shaste said...

Hi from Olympia WA back in the states.
Adorable deer baby! One suggestion on dogs on the trail .. I have a horse who is dog-aggressive. He was harassed by dogs before we got him and will attack if he feels even vaguely threatened. I have to tell anyone that comes near with a dog that he will kick/strike and to keep their distance. A little white lie about Mag might be useful for you...

Shaste said...

Hi from Olympia WA in the states! We gave a horse who was harassed by dogs before we got him so is very dog aggressive. He will kick/ strike/attack any dog that is even vaguely threatening. Telling dog owners that he will kick any dog that comes near works for keeping them on leash. Maybe saying something like that would encourage people to keep dogs on leash? Adorable deer baby btw.

AareneX said...

Deer baby! Right now we are mostly seeing bachelor deer (yearlings and two year olds) wandering around, blocking traffic, usual deer stuff. We will see the fawns and does in a month or so, when the babies are bigger.

Dogs are always gonna be a thing. Fee used to stomp on them, until she finally figured out that they don't bother ME. When I see dogs, I always say, "hello Good Dog" in my friendly chirpy voice so the dog knows that the horse also includes a human, so the human(s) with the dog know that we are approaching (you'd be amazed how people do not see an enormous horse and rider pair in the woods!) and to let the Dragon know that I have seen and identified the creature so she doesn't need to spook or stomp. And if the dog isn't a "good" dog, meh, it didn't cost me anything to say it.

TeresaA said...

That baby is adorable. And Mag was a star on your ride! Good for him. Tick bites make me itch like crazy. I usually feel them right away because as soon as they bite I begin to itch. Not much helps, although I have used straight rubbing alcohol and it eases it a bit. Mine will itch for weeks.

Kitty Bo said...

I have found apple cider vinegar to help with insect itchy bites. I also fine it helps when something stings me as it takes the sting out--even scorpion bites.

lytha said...

Shaste, so you ride Capitol Forest, one of my old stomping grounds. I've heard it's a bicycle horse war there nowadays. If I were a good liar, I could say my horse will kick a dog, but unfortunately Mag is obviously fine with dogs *lol* it just pisses me off because Germans are so adamant about rules and this is the one they ignore.

Aarene, funny, if there is an unexpected animal (goose, deer, goat) I'll shout out Hi there, c'm here, c'm here! in a ridiculously friendly voice, which seems to help Mag deal. "Oh, she's greeting that creature. Ok."

Teresa, I &#it you not, as I'm tying this comment, a tick crawled up my finger! WTH! Unlike you I don't seem to notice them until it's "too late" so disgusting. I am glad I'm not the only one though (sorry!). When I lived in Seattle, there were no ticks, and no horseflies. Maybe that has changed by now. Do you find ticks on your dog? Your horses? Cat?

Nat D said...

I cant believe the deer let you get that close to take such a good picture? Although today I saw a fox and if I had had a better cellphone camera I could have gotten a good picture.

HHmplace said...

Bites?! I've been bitten to shreds! Not at home thank heaven - but huge welts, we call them chiggers. I went to the Dr. for a shot & still itch! I have so much bug spray now - that I should buy stock! A friend who travels to Africa told me to put hand sanitizer on the bites & it does dry them up. Yes - Capitol Forest is lost to those who remember it in the "old" days... Great fawn photo! Glad the doe came back for it.

HHmplace said...

Farah sent Joyce's dog Jackson 25-feet with a well placed kick & never broke stride! Jackson got to his feet & got right back behind her again!