Sunday, May 10, 2015

Mara and Bellis in the orchard (with the insects)

I sometimes invite them into the orchard to help with the grass, but I must supervise, because they will destroy everything if I turn my back.

But first a few shots of them in the paddock in the early morning.....

The morning light was perfect.

My walking carpet.

Me: Did you have a midnight encounter with someone who thought you looked fertile?

Looks like darkness moving across the face of the deep.

The neighbor's cherry tree is shedding white blossoms like snowflakes everywhere. It's a Japanese dream.

Let's go to the orchard! Bellis is already eating the black hazelnut that I love - but I know she can't hurt it. There's simply too much of it.

Just tasting. Not tasty afterall. These are the plants that the dragonflies mate on, creating horrifying water larva.

There is no phrase in German for bad hair day.  I say it anyway, hoping it will catch on.

I hate to stop her, cuz they both love this little tree so much. It's almost completely eaten up.

The insects are getting bad, but not as bad as they will be. I mean, no horse flies yet! I've been applying Equispot to Mara every few weeks (thanks to KBryan!) and after I took these photos/videos, I did again, as well as dousing her in Ultrashield.

The donkey is still protected by her carpeting so I don't feel the need to use chemicals on her.

I've coated Mara's belly in Vaseline and Desitin a few times this Spring, due to those bugs that hang off her belly - we had those in Seattle too. But she kicked her belly enough to remove my creams and filthify her legs.

Thankfully we don't have many opportunities for them to rub in our pasture. Only on the barn, and a few wispy Elderberry bushes.

I had to remove the video I'd planned on inserting here because at one point Mara was rubbing her butt on a tree and it might offend sensitive Americans. She was enjoying herself perhaps too much.  In the video Bellis and Mara do some mutual grooming. If mares rubbing on trees doesn't offend you, let me know: )


T said...

Gorgeous photos! One of mine is currently rubbing on a gate...ewww ;)

kbryan said...

What pretty photos. Mara is so pretty, as always. Love all the green and blooms. Looks like it was a happy day for the equine. Bellis looks like such a character, she cracks me up sometimes when I see her photos and hear your descriptions. You have a good week!

Achieve1dream said...

LOL! I'm not sensitive. The video won't offend me!

I about had a heart attach when you said Bellis was eating the black hazelnut because my brain thought I read black walnut haha. I have a sinus infection and it's apparently making me dumb. :)

Great pictures!! :D

Tina said...

lol butt rubbing on a tree won't offend me. One of my friends has a mare that will stand over bush to itch her's hilarious!