Sunday, August 17, 2014

First after-fall lesson

Oops, this is a post I wrote last week.


I just got done with my riding lesson and KT rode almost the entire time. I can't be upset with her for the insensitive comments she made about my fall on Friday, she was totally sweet to me about it today.

In fact when I first got on, she said "Would you like me to walk beside you as you ride?" I thought, "Wow, she really knows how freaked out I was!" But I declined. The trot work was difficult today because it was very windy out and the tarps on that boat shelter were flapping at random. I was doing some deep breathing exercises, but also enjoying that Mara was fully "tuned up" after KT rode. I don't often get that feeling after KT rides, and I realize I should, every time. Everytime a profi rides your horse for you, it should feel much better when you get on again.

I had to complain to KT that Mara was behind the vertical at the trot with her when she rode, as she often is. This time KT blamed my saddlepad, so I actually ran home and got the wool one and that fixed it. The SS pad was letting the saddle slip forward into her shoulders, and KT said there's no way she can get Mara off her forehand with that happening. I don't know how realistic that is of an excuse, but I will always use the wool pad in the future.

KT complained cuz she was having cramps and had to mount Mara three times today. I said, "You have a mounting block, and she's no Fresian, she's a tiny pony!" KT hates it when I make her mount from the right side, which I almost always do. I told her it's good for her.

At least KT really likes my saddle.  Well, she loves my horse too, and that feels good. I told her how hesitant Mara was in the woods on Sunday, and she said, "That means this horse was taking care of you."

Again she gave me the compliment that I have a good koerperspannung (seat/equitation?). Compliments like this are what I need at the moment: )

Mara's a good girl. I need to fall off more often so it's no big deal. Or never again: )

1 comment:

Achieve1dream said...

Compliments are always nice! :D I think having your trainer really like your horse is helpful too.