It's -5C (23F) and pleasant out. Not windy at all, just peaceful, and the snow flakes are getting bigger and softer by the hour. Soon I'll have to shovel, but there's no point doing it now.
My man is carrying a cell phone as he drives lately, and this kind of worries me like he expects something to go wrong out there.
But even I can drive after the snowplows roar through, and we have winter tires (what are now mandatory in winter).
Baasha is feisty and when I lunged him the other day in the minimal snow, he roared off at a gallop and hit the end of the lungeline and almost pulled me off my feet. Then he started dancing on the line and doing flying changes for fun. It was spectacular and very naughty. I wonder if he's OK to ride, but I will ask the vet on Monday. Monday the vet will hopefully assure me that it's OK to leave my horse for 3 weeks to go to America. You all know what happened last time.
The cat just sits on the window sill waiting all day long for the white stuff to subside. It's gonna get worse before it gets better. She did go outside with me today to walk down the hill to feed the fish. She followed me like a dog (and ate one piece of fish food), and meowed loudly about the snow. Then she followed some mouse tracks around, contemplated hunting, and then gave up and ran to the house.
I do love snow when it's white everywhere but yet safe to drive. I don't like 3 months of it (last year), but that can't happen again, I trust.
(The photos are from the other day when we had a dusting of snow, and a few from this morning as I fed Baasha. The video is from just now looking out my kitchen window and listening to the radio.)

Love the snow too, last year snow in Germany was a bot too much! Great pictures! We received a foot of snow yesterday , it's crazy! Who will care for your horse and cats when in USA? Have a great day and stay warm.
Snow is very pretty, isn't it? If it's going to be cold it might as well be pretty too.
Your house looks lovely in the snow.
Beautiful snow! I agree, it's so pretty when it's big fat wet flakes pouring down. Last year was El Nino, so this year you shouldn't get nearly as much snow. :)
Snow tires are required? For all the roads? That's crazy! All of the major roads out of Reno have "chains or snow tires" signs with lights that flash when conditions are bad, but snow tires aren't required for general travel.
Baasha sounds happy. Do you have someone you trust to take care of him while you're away?
Me to! Last week we had at least 4 to 5 inches here. Seattle was a mess! People trying to drive down the hills and sliding into other cars..Cars being left on I5... I didn't go anywhere, lol, just stayed home and soaked in the beauty of it here! Got pics to, lol...just need to sort and upload them...
Oh way cool lights! I like the snow too, but only in small doses - we tend to get more than our fair share in Eastern Washington, so its gets old at times getting fresh snows in June... sigh...
Thanks for your comment on my post - sounds funny but it makes me feel less alone know I am not the only one going through crap like that...
It certainly is pretty and peaceful-looking. The idea of the cat following you down to feed the fish made me smile. <3
I like the pic of the cat prints, thats so cute! And the lights on Bashas stall makes it look so cozy.
Love the pictures of Baasha and the cat with their Christmas lights - too cute!
It's certainly very pretty, but I think we all know how I feel about that wretched white stuff!
With any luck, we won't have a single flake of it while you're visiting. Seattlites really can't drive in it. Did you see the article in the Seattle Times where they interviewed Chip Hanauer (hydroplane driver). Here's the link: http://bit.ly/fTHcCc
The bottom line is: Swamplanders are pathetic sn*w drivers and need to just stay home.
Hey Aarene, your link is broken :( but I searched seattletimes.com for Chip Hanauer snow and found it.
I am completely appalled about I-5 - am I understanding right that there are reversible lanes on the freakin' INTERSTATE?!? What is wrong with yall? Memphis had one surface street with reversible lanes and it was the laughingstock of the south! Who thought this was a good idea?!
Frau, my sister in law will be staying here. I hope she can enjoy herself and Baasha stays healthy for her!
FV, It may as well snow, that's what I have been saying.
Four, thank you, I still can't believe it's ours sometimes.
Funder, just this year it became mandatory and it's really a good thing. Check out that Seattle video I uploaded today.
Tara, I bet it will just rain when I'm there though!
Stephanie, I love Cle Elum --in summer!
Dom, it sure is nice to have her company. I hope she is smart enough to enjoy many years of being allowed outdoors.
Crystal & Melissa, I put more lights up on the stall - blue ones. I'll have to get a pic of them too.
Aarene, had you seen that Capitol Hill video?
Funder, about the reversible I5 lanes: they are separate from the rest of I5 and have gates and signs telling drivers "Northbound/South Express lanes Closed/Open" and an officer has to open and close them twice per day. Until now I'd never heard of it going wrong - scary. Did you know we also have two floating bridges and when it's windy, you get splashed? Fun!
We're having the same kind of snow right now! The light fluffy stuff that you can sweep instead of shovel.
On the way home it was glittering on the road in my headlights, looked like someone sprinkled crushed diamonds on the road. So pretty. :)
We'll have way more than 3 months of snow here though! lol
I love that pic of Baasha with the holiday lights, and the kitty, too. You're lucky your animals don't bother with the lights or cords, like ours sometimes do.
Snow is so pretty and makes everything soft and clean looking. We have a neighbor who goes outside at the first sign of snow and starts shoveling. It does seem to be a good idea to start early as there will be less to shovel and less work, too. But like you, I usually wait until after the snow stops falling to shovel.
We're having such weird weather this winter. We've only had one snow flurry with no accumulation, and our temps have been the 50's and 60's during the day.
Yesterday I was shearing my angora goat, because I'm afraid she'll get too overheated with her heavy fleece, and got so hot I had to start peeling off my jacket and roll up my sleeves.
I'm starting to worry that we might not even have a White Christmas this year. I will be so sad.
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