I'm Lytha from West Seattle, Washington. I moved to NRW, Germany in 2007 and married a wonderful German man who understands my love of horses and fulfilled my dream of living the last 2/3 of my life in the country, with my horse in my backyard.
Thursday, December 2, 2010
Seattle Ice
Seattleites have probably seen this video, but maybe some haven't.
Thanks Aarene for pointing me to the Times article about why we can't drive in snow.
'cuz we're pathetic. that's why.
Hahaha, excellent video! My husband greatly enjoyed it.
(Memphis gets a huge ice storm about once a decade and the result looks exactly like that.)
ETA: G spent the last 7 minutes frantically looking for his favorite Seattle Snow video. Here it is for your viewing pleasure.
Wow, what a mess!Thanks for the news article and the video clip. 8 hours on a bus, I'd go crazy!
Funder that video was amazing!
I love snow, but detest ice. I don't know where our winter weather is this year. I hope we get a white Christmas at least.
This version's even "better".
Funder, thanks for the other cool video, we enjoyed it.
Lisa, yours didn't work. Around half of the youtube vids out there won't work outside of America, due to music copyright. Oh well!
That's too bad. The music they used was classical orchestral ballet...fit in prefect with the cars dancing on the ice :D
All I can say is I am glad this round is over! However, I am bracing for the next because I know it's coming. I just don't know when.
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