The girl was thrilled her pony has so much space and grass and I said, "Well we're working on second cutting now so I really need to get the horses on the grazing strips, but a few days every so often won't hurt." After second cutting the horses will have the whole 5 acres all winter. They should not complain so much but they do.
My man came in, "The horses are neighing!" and I did my flying run down the hang to the lower strip --expecting that there was a tangle with the fence - to see them both under the Elderberry tree peacefully swishing tails. The pony neighed at me twice, frustrated. "What about the big huge field I was enjoying?" I sighed and gave out carrots. Geez, greedy one, look down at your feet, it's up to your knees here too.

Both owners said "He's a stubborn thing" but I don't call it stubbornness - it's just years of being a school horse for kids, your skin gets a little thick. But that can be fixed in no time.
I haltered him and told him to stand still as I started feeling him all over. I wanted to know if he has ticks, or sores, and I'd never had my hands on him. He tried to graze and I said "No eating, Stand here!" and he did. I cleaned his feet and noticed they need trimming, but not badly. His hoofprints are odd due to the length of his walls - they leave crescents in the ground almost like a horseshoe would. I'll have to get pictures soon.
He was a little mouthy so I am not gonna give him any treats during lessons, only rubs and praise. Then with my hoofpick in my hand, I put a distinct finger to his ribs and said, "Over" and clucked to him to get his attention. He stood like a rock, gazing off into space. I put the hoofpick there and pushed. And pushed. And...Are you made of stone or flesh?
If I'd pushed that hard on Baasha he would have flown away. I actually thought I might be bruising him when I saw him shift his weight and then move a foot. I stopped and praised him like crazy, scratching his fuzzy neck and chest. Again.
No reaction. Statue horse. Then he gave a slight move, and got lots of love. He must have had a thought cross his head cuz the third time he actually stepped aside by the push of my index finger. I loved on him and then switched sides. Same statue. Then a shift, a move, all done. Whew!

The pony is also learning how to stay back at feeding times, and not come between me and Baasha. He is getting it - he stands back and stares at me like he's trying to figure out my rules. He sure enjoys his morning beet pulp bucket.

The pony's owner called and I told him the pony has weird skin issues I'd like a vet to look at and prescribe something. He has scaly/bald patches, and some patches are bumpy like rain rot. He said their vet is coming out Monday to take care of their sport horses and they'll send him over. I was surprised to find out they are getting horses ready for Kentucky's World Equestrian Games and it sounds like the whole family will be there this year. I also found out he is a mounted police officer so my feeling is that they will be taking care of the black pony even though he's out of their immediate care now.
I'm curious what the vet will say, and more curious what the contractor will say.
Just catching up on Baasha's world - welcome Black Pony! I'm glad to see he's got a friend and that they are suited to one another.
Sounds like the Pony will benefit from his time there. I agree, buddy sour is hard to fix. I remember a trainer told me he just pnied another horse with one of his horses because he just couldn't get the buddy sour thing fixed. And this guy could have horses spinning holes in the ground, no problem!
Does the Pony still ride or is he fully retired?
Oh They are soooo cute together...the BLACK AND WHITE TEAM!
Yea, I was wondering about the close quarters stall situation too...don't need someone trapped ad getting hurt exiting..hips can get knocked down that way. Run in will be good..hope the contractor is reasonable for you.
Maybe you can teach Baasha to Pony(the Pony) on some rides? I do this with Pantz and Wa...it is nice to know they both get out and exercised.And they are with me!
The horses of my PBO are like the pony...they actually lean into the pressure...very stubborn. I get the hoof pick pointer to help me then...it is a finger extender if needed...it packs a bit more..ouchy to the yield, if they won't budge. It leaves not marks..just space between me and the horse!
It all sound great there...!!!
Miss ya!
The things we do for our horses - hope you get a good quote on the run-in shed!
Wow Baasha has a friend now! Wat a cutie he is : )
I just saw your comment on my blog about the S'mores..I buy marshmallows here actually. They are not 100% like home but they work fine. Edwin loves S'mores actually..how can u go wrong with chocolate and marshmallows! lol the boys love them too.
I usually use digestive biscuits in place of graham crackers but wanted to try to make my own just once :)
He is such a cute old man!
I am also very curious about what the contractor will say. Run-ins are pretty cheap out here, even though they have to be extremely well anchored to stand up to our "gentle Nevada breezes." I'll be really interested to hear how they compare over there!
Aww, they look like two peas in a pod...just peas of a different color. Amazing that the pony is 30. He looks great. I hope he and Baasha enjoy a long friendship.
Oh man, tell me about herd/buddy bound. Poco goes mental when he's not with Jaz. It's tough.
That said, I think it's great that Baasha has a friend. I always feel sorry for a lone horse.
Awww....what a cute little guy he is! Just watch him out in all of that grass, as you don't want him to founder (but I am sure his owners told you about that).
breathe, you changed my outlook on life today. i'll get back to you on that: )
this separation time every day is beginning to wear me down. i need professional advice, but where to find it? then again, it's only been one week.
allhorsestuff, i'm glad you noted the cool color theme we have going on here. i do too!!!! although there are no ugly horses, when i saw him step off the trailer, all shiny and black, i swooned: )
unfortunately baasha is not sound lately...maybe even retired. i had originally thought i could ride/pony. but we'll see.
melissa, i'd like to know what your shed plus cupula cost, because our quote today was the equivalent of 7 thousand dollars. *sigh* ...no cupola.
sonya, please tell me what a digestive biscuit is, curious!
funder, please don't even tell me what cheap is, after today. *sigh*
once upon, that pony is awesome. i just love him. he learned to watch me and he is keen to learn my cues, and he just does everything i ask. i give him lots of love and treats and scrubbing, and i hope, i really hope he can stay here. a better pony i couldn't ask for.
leah, i think you should start feeling sorry for me,hehehe, cuz i'm having a hard time with this buddy training thing *giggle*: ) i felt sorry for baasha every day until that pony arrived, and now i need to get them to the point where a vet could arrive and actually work on just one of them without the other horse interfering/causing issues/injuring itself.
melanie, that is one of the first questions i asked, "what about the grass?" but they say he's used to it. i guess he is cuz so far so good. but geez, what a lotta grass we have!
It's good that you've found Baasha a buddy. He's a lovely black, isn't he?
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