Wednesday, July 14, 2021

A good friend comes to Germany

A precious friend arrived today in Frankfurt from Seattle. The one who let me ride her Arabians in competitions for 7 years.

We were a team: me, her, and our friend who now snowbirds.

Our team was called Best Of The Last.

We rocked the CMO world.

She's sleeping in my attic right now, jetlagged. She will want to go geocaching immediately tomorrow.

I'd forgotten was it was like to be around good American friends who know me and I know them. Nothing comes close. Tomorrow I'll show her the photos below that I have of such good times with her two horses. You can see them while she sleeps....


TeresaA said...

enjoy your visit with your friend

Dom said...

I'm happy that you get a friend visiting. Have fun and make good memories! The pictures you shared are lovely.

HHmplace said...

Fun times!