Wednesday, June 30, 2021

A very good camera

Michi came over a few days ago early in the day due to the heat. 10 AM was still too hot for me and she apologized. Due to the hazy sky and the low sun she brought her camera so I was in for another photo shoot for which I was not prepared. 

Mag had rolled, both sides, in manure. He had a dead horsefly on the right side of his face.

But her camera combined with perfect lighting and a flower produced a wonderful photo anyway.




JenK said...


lytha said...

JK, I should say it's not fair to blame entirely the camera, my friend was lying on her belly on the grass for this photo, and telling her husband to shake her reflector at him. And telling me to walk back and forth from the barn. I'm pretty sure this photo was taken as I emerged from the barn. That happy expression is flattering, but probably about food.

Dom said...

Great shot!!

AareneX said...

A great shot is a great shot. This one is pretty great!