Monday, August 5, 2019

Pic of Ani riding Mag and J pretends to mount Mag

Although it was OK at first, Ani's raincoat became an issue later.

Curious what will happen tomorrow. If Mag steps away from the mounting block when Ani tries to get on, it's off.

Funnily, my husband wanted to know if Mag would let him ride. He proposed a simple test. Line Mag up to our garden wall and he'd pretend to get on. I was pretty nervous about my man getting hurt - no helmet on - but he promised he wouldn't actually get on completely.

Mag thought it was strange to line up there in his own paddock for mounting, but my husband bravely threw a leg over and Mag was fine. I was like, "Wh, what, wow, oh, ok, you're cool."

Below is Ani's first ride on Mag in Spring 2018.



TeresaA said...

That is good that he didn’t freak out about either one!

Nat D said...

Maybe everyone should avoid wearing noisy outerwear the next time? Good luck!

Shaste said...

I can tell you my old Arab would have dumped any fool who got on in a big floppy raincoat (myself included) :) it was just one of his limitations. The first 10 years I owned him I tried to 'fix' his limits. Then I learned to accept them as part of him. Despite them he was the most dependable trail horse at the barn. He might spook sideways and dump you if you weren't paying attention but he was honest about what he could handle and would always be willing to trust me and lead when the 'dependable' horses refused.

lytha said...

Teresa, at those moments, it was good!: )

ND, Gotcha!

S, you are now the third person who has told me this. That is is something we just have to accept about certain horses. No amount of "sacking out" will make them comfortable with rain coats/capes. Thank you for saying that, cuz I'm believing it now: ) I'm sure Parelli would disagree.