We're still in Eureka, California and enjoying the beaches, sequoias and best of all - weather in the 60s.
Another observation - people are incredibly friendly here. Scarily so. Two shady looking dudes on the street said, "How ya doin" to us as we passed. Some other guy was grilling in Sequoia Park and said, "How's it going?" I asked J, "Does he work here? Why does he care?"
Mile marker 700+ - just like Texas!
We didn't get good sequoia photos because it's beyond my photography skills, and you cannot really appreciate them in photos anyway. However when we first arrived in the park I said, "I feel like an ewok on the moon endor. This must be where they filmed Return of the Jedi - please look it up!" And J did, and I was right. The moon endor scenes were filmed in Humbolt county CA, where we are. Not precisely where we were, but the general area.
What's this? A geocache inside a food-sharing box! What a great idea. I love that there's a sweet potato in there.
Pure Californian whimsy.
This house has something growing in the gutters.
Real jasmine. I've missed it. Also, there are massive amounts of wild fennel growing. I made J chew on it and he said, "licorice?" Yes: ) So awesome. I remember Seattle having wild fennel.
I have to tell you about the wildflowers. I remember it from my first
time in California at age 16. There are wildflowers growing as if weeds
everywhere. Random, nameless-to-me flowers. The first two images below are a succulent that I call pickle plants cuz that's what they look and feel like. I also saw something like orange morning glory/black-eyed susans growing wild but didn't get a photo.
Below: at one beach today there was a synchronized flying bird flock and I've forgotten what they are - do you know?
That’s my older brother’s old stomping grounds! He went to college at Humbolt State, and then taught in Willets (where the skunk RR crosses the coast range to Ft. Bragg) for six or seven years. That corner of CA is known as somewhat of a hippie enclave, even now that the hippies are all old. 😁. Then he ended up in Mt. Shasta city for quite a while. You should swing inland and visit Ashland, Oregon, where they have the Shakespeare festival.
The succulent we used to call “ice plant” in Southern California. It grew all over hillsides, but would get so heavy with new plants growing over older/dead ones, that after heavy rains, it would sometimes slough off the hills in mini-mudslides, leaving an awful mess!
I have never seen a jasmine plant- I bet that smelled great! The redwood forest is amazing, I have been there a couple of times many years ago.
The food share bins are a great idea!
Looks like a fun trip. Carson mansion is a bit much, there are some amazing Victorians in nearby Ferndale as well. I wouldn’t want one but I can appreciate the artistic woodwork!
The birds might be plovers, there are many types, if they’re small and gray/white.
The “pickle” plant is horrible, invasive ice plant. Lovely flowers on it though! It has eradicated a lot of native plant that held up sea cliffs and dunes, in some parks they are actively restoring areas and removing it.
Redwoods are always amazing. Love the quiet and their soft red bark. They are the tallest, the true sequoias, father south, are more massive. I like the redwoods better.
Enjoy your trip! Sorry you aren’t coming farther south, but it is really hot this week, I’m sure you’d melt!! But we could go to the river, I’m sure there are geocaches too!
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