Wednesday, May 19, 2021

People who tie themselves to horses


It was in the news today, a horse owner who jogs regularly with her horse tied around her waist ended up dead. I don't have more details except it was in Zurich.

While trying to find details I found another case of death due to tying yourself to a horse - a 9 year old "horse experienced" boy. 

I've never seen anyone do this but I witnessed something similar at an endurance ride in Germany. A girl was holding a horse who was fretting, unable to hold still. It circled the girl continually and the girl got tired (?) of turning with the horse so she just stood still and let the horse wrap its lead line around her body. Her neck, her chest, etc. 

I dodged a bullet when Ani walked out of my life. She lacked common sense around horses and probably should never have held Mag's lead line, let alone ride.

Anyway, how to survive a horse spook? Don't be tied to the horse: )


JenK said...

Oh my goodness, isn't that supposed to be Day 1 knowledge?? It goes along with never wear anything around your neck that might get caught on something which will accidentally hang yourself...

Shirley said...

You can't fix stupid.

AareneX said...

Horses, sheesh. Basically, they are dangerous--to us and to themselves! And yet, here we are. :-)

Found a good article that says what not to do..but at the end the author concludes that even if you do all the things right, horses can still make things go wrong.

lytha said...

Aarene, I was thinking the same thing. The safest fences can kill horses. The quietest horse can have a moment (Dan the Percheron I drove downtown). The best equipment can break. I read your article - check out that grouchy yellow horse's face - look at her mouth, nose, eye and ears. I actually saw a horse doing this same thing recently as its owner tacked up and I felt so bad that the horse was unhappy and just dealing with it.

I have another where not to tie - to a trailer that is not hitched to a truck.

Anonymous said...

I've never heard of someone doing that! How scary!

EvenSong said...

I remember reading a year or so ago about an experienced horsewoman, in GB I think, who was somehow strangled by the lead rope she had draped across her shoulder.