Friday, January 8, 2021

Is it safe? (snow)


As I made my way out there this morning to check for fallen trees, it was obvious my animals spent the entire night at the barn (there were no hoofprints although the tracks from me taking out the trash were still visible). Cowardly Mag was glued to my side for quite a while. J asked if Mag had ever seen snow before. Of course he has, every year. The Germans have a saying for this forgetfulness, "He doesn't have all his cups in the cupboard."


At around 1 minute in the video below, you can see Mag kick out in that odd way of his. 


ellie k said...

Mag sure likes to roll, I can see how he gets so dirty now. He is a beautiful horse. The snow is pretty, I grew up in Ohio so remember the beauty of a fresh snow fall but it gets old after a while and you start wishing for spring.

lytha said...

Ellie, thank you for the kind words. It seems every year in Germany we have less snow, so I really love it! I refused to go to bed last night until 3AM because I couldn't stop looking out the window. I'd rather have snow with mud underneath than hard-frozen mud which might break Mag's legs as he cavorts. In fact if we have a solid freeze I might have to lock him up. After last night, realizing they stayed in all night on their own, I don't have to feel as guilty about that!

Did you know that Cincinati has a German background and a current German community?

kbryan said...

It is soooo beautiful!

ellie k said...

I did not know that but here in Sun City, Florida they have a German club and it ls well attended, we have a German Reaterant run by a German family. My son eats there and said it is as near real German food as he has found since leaving Germany. The German club has dances, celebrate Oct. fest and meet every month for food and drinks just to fellowship.

EvenSong said...

Happy new year!
You have more sn*w than we’ve gotten all season so far! They are getting it up in the Cascades, so that’s good for my irrigation.
Would Mag get totally wussified if you took off his turnout, so he could actually roll IN the sn*w? He’s so funny approaching the laden branches.
(As far as his kicking out in the last video, could it be an overreaction to the tail strap?)

lytha said...

Ellie K, I'd love to visit another German club now that I can speak the language!

Evensong, you're right, I felt guilty as soon as he started rolling that he had the blanket on, he would have loved the snow on his back. He kicks out like that regardless of tack or blanket, *shrug*

irish horse said...

I've never seen a horse that loves to roll as much as Mag, wonderful!

lytha said...

Oh Irish Horse, I regret not removing the blanket beforehand, but I couldn't have predicted his need to "readjust his back" 7, 8 times in a row. *lol*