Saturday, April 18, 2020

Mag's breakfast routine

He hasn't walked or trotted to breakfast yet, since moving to 72.


AareneX said...


Irish horse said...

That is one happy horse, I love it!

lytha said...

Aarene, There was this one day where he reared up and landed with a forehoof on the hay net, which to me meant, "MINE!" (Although I cannot read his mind.) Every single day, he uses the opportunity to approach breakfast full of joy. And today he wasn't starving - there was still dinnertime hay there!

Irish, Like Major exactly. I sent the video to my photographer friend who has been pining about not being able to visit Mag and Bellis, and she said how much she would love to get photos of that. I thought of your recent video of your horse frolicking - you have the better camera. I told her as soon as possible we should do it. And we're still waiting on the chance to do taco night, which I invited her to in January. Did you know, she's never had a taco in her life? And that that is not uncommon in Germany? My heart bleeds....I'm making chicken tacos as I type this: )

Unknown said...

We had chicken enchilada casserole last night, aka "use up the dang tortillas before they get stale". I can't imagine a life with no tacos.

TeresaA said...

That is so cute. I love his expression

kbryan said...

This video brought me joy, loved seeing this happy Mag!

hammerhorses said...

Love it!!! My mare is called Peanut and so when I start singing the "Peanut Butter and Jelly!" song she does this almost exact same thing running up to me to be caught! So funny! :-D ("First you take the peanuts and you squish 'em, you squish 'em. Peanut, peanut butter and jelly!") okay, now I'm just a crazy person, lol!!!

lytha said...

HH, you know there is no PBG in Germany, right? I miss it so.

Kbryan, I'm so glad you enjoyed that. I made another one today but it was almost exactly the same thing, so, I'll keep trying for something a little special.

Teresa, I love this horse!

Unknown, I think the Germans would ask us, "Try to imagine a life without currywurst." Oh, that's not a good comparision, but it is German fast food.

Christie said...

That's how I feel when I'm gonna get fed!

HHmplace said...

Wow, they've taken that right down! Handsome, ornery guy :-)