I cannot resist.
We made progress on the property between our house and our field.
Last week we made crucial steps (with respect to certain T post accessory recommendations).
Then we experienced it......
Our animals' first night on 72.
It was well, not sublime, rather spectacular after 8 days of confinement due to Mag's leg injuries. (Video to come!)
I am trying not to break the chronology, but I simply must show you this photo of Mag standing in front of my house, where I can see him from the sofa I'm sitting on now as I type this.
By now he's learned to look into our living room windows to find me. HI MAG!
Yay, progress!!!
Pretty cool that he can watch you as you watch him! I can't wait to see the other photos.
Holy moly!!!!!! You can sit on your sofa and SEE YOUR HORSE!!!
It is crazy how good it feels to just look out a window and *see* them. It is my number one favorite thing about our new farm. I may have spent the first few weeks just stalking the horses from window to window.
I cannot wait to see the photos of what you have done, your land is so pretty. My husband and I are always struck by how GREEN Germany is when he goes there for work.
Teresa, Yes, so so much, and so much more to do, but at long last there can be our animals on that exact spot I've dreamt about for 10 years.
Aarene, I sincerely hope I have enough before photos.
Becky, thank you for getting it - it's sheer bliss! Before, I could get up and look out the window. But only see the horse when he stood at the gate. Then, as you know, I made a "window" to my pasture, but that was difficult cuz it slopes down from here. But now, I have a spot exactly out my window, well, over the front yard of course, but still here.
I just realized why they seem to like it so much - 72 is the highest point of the entire property. I wasn't sure but I just went out and checked. Even the far hill of our pasture is slightly lower in elevation than 72. So the animals instinctively love it. Until now the best place to see our animals was when they were in the back paddock and we were sitting on the toilet. *lol* But they were rarely there, cuz it's so much down the hill.
Nothing better than seeing your horse out your window! The last place we lived I could do that, but here I can't- so I have a wi fi camera that allows me to check on them .
Yay!So happy for you. Seeing them from your house is the best feeling!
The "mud" look is very fetching :-)
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