Sunday, February 24, 2019


The moon has been so bright it wakes me up at night. J told me it was closer than normal lately when he saw me taking photos.




As an experiment 25 years ago Baasha's mother's owner asked me to wrap her mane in fabric to see if it would make it thicker. Sheriffa's mane showed no difference. Mag's mane has been mud brown lately and I couldn't stand it anymore so I washed it and thought maybe wrapping it would keep it cleaner. It's probably hopeless but I realized how great Mag looks in pink.


I just now flashed back to 2005 when I met my future husband. I went shopping for a halter for Princess Buttercup and ended up buying a gorgeous pink/purple (violet?) halter which went perfectly with her red coat. My friend Brandi Miller took one look at that halter and said, "What is the matter with you? OMG you're in LOVE!" What? OK.....

I do not need another color scheme for Mag but I'm not tossing the possibility of a pink halter in his future. With his wavy braided tail, he will be a real life My Little Pony! Wait, that could never happen. Those things don't coat themselves in mud daily.


Looking good, hooves.


The snowbells have returned. The bravest flowers of all. One crocus opened yesterday and I've got two starter flats on my windowsill that sprouted beans and chives last night. They're getting their first look at the sun today. I'm determined to do it right this year and grow veggies. My compost never composted so we bought fancy "sprouting" dirt. So far so good, but it will be a long while before I can put seedlings into the greenhouse.

J taught me a farmer's weather rule: "When the cat sleeps in the sun in February, you'll be using your wood stove in March." It rhymes in German.


TeresaA said...

He looks lovely in pink! Let me know if it helps keep him clean.

Camryn said...

He does look good in pink! He’d look good in any color! Good luck with the garden, I’ve used the rototiller on my manure pile, then mixed it in my soil. Worked great. I don’t like J’s saying very much lol

AareneX said...

You know that Patty always dresses her horses in pink...including her geldings. Including Ross, her Tevis horse! All the pink. It does look lovely on a grey, I think.

I want to know what your master-gardener advises!

We have no sun. We have never had sun. It has always been grey here, it will always be grey, except when it's dark, and then it becomes day but not light, just grey. My cat is asleep on his window-chair by the woodstove. Is there a German rhyme for that?

lytha said...

Teresa, Ha, Ha.

Camryn, Technically any color if my mind were open, right? : ) Rototiller - never seen one in Germany.

Aarene, you made me LOL three times in a row: ) Patty in Pink, I remember. I told Ani today, she couldn't get over the fact Mag would look like a girl. I said, "The way he hangs out his fifth leg all the time in public?" "OK, he's gay!" OK...

Nicole A said...

The Germans have a proverb that matches the groundhog superstition here!!! No one else caught that? If the groundhog sees its shadow (sun) in February, winter will last until March. That parallel with the cat is so cool! I don't know German but it would be fun to hear (read?) the original German rhyme. :)

AareneX said...

Show Ani this: Patty and Ross, going over Cougar Rock in 1997:


lytha said...

Aarene, what a gorgeous photo at Cougar Rock! His tippy ears, his tippy chin! What a horse! I would show Ani if it were possible for her to come away from it not knowing that I am a blogger.

I really need to tone down this blog lately and I've been doing the opposite. Germany is soooooo small.