Saturday, November 24, 2018

Bet you wish... lived in a country where this song was on the radio yesterday:

I was a fan of this song as a teenager. Please tell me why most of the comments for this video are in Spanish? Cuz the band is Canadian. 

When it came on the radio yesterday at work at the fire dept, I called J and held the phone up to the radio for him. Sadly he'd never heard it.

Most of all I wish I lived in a country that celebrated Thanksgiving. *sigh*


AareneX said...

When you come back here (for good?) you will have to have Thanksgiving at our place--or at least, come out to the Leftovers Party. So much good food and lots of people being happy, it's really the best holiday (except maybe Hallowe'en, which I love). Tonight we're having turkey soup with chanterelles, totally keto friendly!

I grew up in a border town, so a lot of the popular music played by the local radio station was Canadian bands. Then somebody figured out that local music was cool, so I ended up listening to bands that nobody has heard of, before or since, so I rarely hear them on the radio anymore, except when somebody at the funky little station where I used to work finds the disks I left there and plays them! Here's a video from those olden days, a band called Swamp Mama Johnson. Very hip swamp blues stuff, I still love it:

TeresaA said...

I have never heard of this band and I am Canadian! :D :D :D

hainshome said...

Well of course,I remember the song. 😁 the video is so painfully dorky! Hahaha