Sunday, September 16, 2018

The hill that kicked Mag's butt

2nd new trail for me in one week! Although parallel to each other and ending in nearly the same spot, this one was awesome.

On the way there, leading Mag down Hohestrasse, I realized 9:50 AM is not a great time to be out, because half the neighborhood was late to church and racing by us, and the other half was on a motorcycle or bike racing by us. And then Mag lost his s***.

Over a pony! Katherina was leading a pony down Hohestrasse, ahead of us, with her child on its back. Mag lost it completely, I have no idea why. I've rarely seen him so upset, and suddenly his conformational flaws disappeared. His back came up, his head as high as possible, tail straight up, legs braced and every vein possible was showing, just from his state of mind! His butt even got bigger as his croup leveled out.

I wasn't pissed, but I was pretty annoyed that he carried on like that for so long. I let him stand there watching the pony and he couldn't breathe. Shoulda had my camera.

Finally the pony turned for home and a herd of horses that live there came over to greet us, and Mag seemed pretty worked up about that too. With motorcycles blasting by (Sunday is motorcycle day here) I was not thrilled.

I met S1 and her chestnut Arabian at the Bayer loop and chose to delay mounting til the next bench. When I did, Mag was fine. In fact her horse was spooking at sun-lit logs/branches and every so often balking, and Mag could pass him by and lead for a while. Her horse also did a little double-barrel kick threat but thankfully didn't connect.

I like riding with S1 cuz she is a great conversationalist and we can talk the entire time. She really hates those people I went to a BBQ with yesterday at her barn (barn drama post coming up). And she really hates Muslims, she told me flat out. All Muslims.

Anyway S1 took me up a new trail, one that Mag has always tried to take without me asking, so Mag thought it was pretty cool. Until he realized how steep it was.

It was by far the steepest longest climb he's ever done (not long in comparison to back home, of course). Halfway up he started sort of jigging, trying to find a way to get up the hill with less effort. That didn't work, so he started snorting and doing that huffing/snorting breathing that horses do when they're swimming. He wasn't paying attention so he kept slipping into little gullies (it's a somewhat washed out, abandoned logging road). I'm sure falling into little cracks wasn't making it easier for him to get up.

One of the nice things about this trail is it's not marked, and not maintained, so likely no one uses it. S1 kept saying, "No mountain biker would run into us here!" (Not guaranteed, but less likely anyway.) On the other hand, it might not be long before the blackberries completely take over the trail. 

I was thrilled at the scenery - S1 explained to me that the area used to be pines, but they got wiped out by a storm and now a variety of deciduous trees fill the area, with tiny little hemlocks (!) here and there. Blackberries throughout, of course. Mag was able to grab one and carry it along in his mouth.

Finally we reached the top "of the mountain" (not really) and I knew exactly where we were. Huh.

I'll be back here! This may turn into my favorite trail. Sadly it's not that close to home.

We continued on nearly my side of town and rather than fight my way back Hohestrasse traffic, I asked if it would be OK if we split up in the woods cuz I was nearly home. Thankfully S1 is fine with that, so I thanked her and her horse, and turned for home.

Mag was gimpy because I could not put the Easyboots on today because they rubbed his heel bulbs last time I rode (probably cuz his legs were wet when I put them on, but that shouldn't matter, in my opinion). Ugh, hoof boots....

Poor Mag, I let him go as slow as he wanted and gave him multiple treats for being so slow and careful. Then I realized I was riding all by myself for quite a ways. I was worried about mountain bikers suddenly appearing but said a prayer and it never happened. When we turned up my favorite switchback, almost home, I really was able to enjoy myself.

At the top, I tied him to his tree and sat on a bench and just enjoyed the sounds of the woods and the solitude for about 20 minutes.

And for the first time ever, he didn't even take a single step as he stood tied. That hill must have kicked his butt.  He cocked a hind leg eventually and I think he even dozed.

A forest ranger drove by in his jeep and Mag looked at it, looked at me, and said, "Car, in the woods! Are you getting this?"

It was a perfect moment of peace and relaxation and now I'm planning new loops I can ride, incorporating those logging roads into them. 


You know what - finding that trail changed my outlook on riding today. I'm actually excited to go find new loops. The reason I hadn't lately is because I'm always with someone and don't want to get us "lost" (no way to get lost here).

But I looked at that OpenTrails map today and had a new idea.

Screw Hohestrasse. I'm done with that crap for a while. It's 100KPH, and too many cars surpass even that. And the freaking UPS trucks....

So here's my plan. I go straight down into the woods from our house, and then show Mag a rough switchback he's never been on (and I've been avoiding cuz I'm not sure Mag won't kip us over, it's so technical). That switchback, I'll call it the Nadine trail cuz she showed it to me in 2012 (?), leads to the top of the hill and then I catch a paved road for a while which will take me to where S1's trail ended today, and then I'll take Mag down her trail, which even if I'm on foot will be really good for Mag's sense of balance to get down it without tumbling.

Then we are on the Bayer loop! All we do is turn left along the water and I'll make the pond our new meeting place.

S1 said she only needed 20 minutes today to *lead* her horse to the meeting spot for the Bayer loop (at the Bayer convention center). I needed 40 minutes walking as fast as I could on Hohestrasse. I'm done with that.

Also, Ani often meets me there, from the same barn as S1, so this has not really been fair. They ride side roads and I'm on a superhighway twice as long?

And now TP wants to meet there as well! Well, all three of them can ride 10 more minutes alone, and meet me at the pond.

I'm totally excited about this, almost to the point I wanna go do the loop right now (which for me would be an out and back, but who cares - no traffic). And, I just realized, there's no reason we cannot do the Bayer loop in addition to the new trail.

But it's suddenly hot out again, and will be unbearably hot this week, I'm told. So, next weekend.

I'm gonna print out that map and put it in my saddle bag.

The explorer in me has awakened and is feeling rowdy! (Although S1 told me she will not be going through holes in fences to get to the watershed, never. *lol*)


For reference, since you now have a picture, "the pond" is at the top center of my map. K16 is Hohestrasse, the fast street. In fact directly where it says K16 is TP's house.  Top left of the map is Irlenstrasse, where I meet Ani and S1. As the purple line hangs a right there, that's the Bayer convention center, so the start of the Bayer loop. The Bayer loop is partially visible, it follows the water down and then cuts up and leaves this map. Lower left you see Roelscheid, that's where Seli keeps Momo. Lower right where it says Staudamm, that's the dam were we have our picnics. My house is off the map lower left.


Nuzzling Muzzles said...

What size boots does Mag wear? I doubt I'll ever be able to ride far ever again, and I've got a bunch of Renegades collecting dust in my tack room. They don't rub because there is a plastic piece that fits over the heel bulb and pivots with the horse's movement that can be adjusted with cables. I'll see if I have any in his size.

AareneX said...

Glad you had such a great ride and hooray for new trails.

How can anybody hate all Muslims? Upsetting that somebody thinks this is okay.

lytha said...

NM, that would be awesome - he wears a Backcountry Glove size 1 on one forehoof, and a size 1.5 on the other (it's more oval shaped). I'm a little afraid of Renegades, they look so slippery and heard they can come undone and potentially hang up on the horse's leg. But Ani and Ulrike and S1 (today) use them and love them. Not sure how Easyboot glove sizes compare to Renegades....but I guess if you had even one in his size, it would be a start!

lytha said...

Aarene, this was one of our "English-only" days, so I am confident that she meant what I heard, "I hate ALL Muslims." (She gave several, several reasons, to back that up.) She can speak English very well (not like J, but not bad at all).

What strikes me most is that this is Germany, and I thought Germans wouldn't be openly prejudiced. Well, not sensible, educated Germans. Hm.

When I posted this, I knew you'd say it, "Hooray for new trails!": ) It's short, but it's grand.

Nuzzling Muzzles said...

I just read this article that says donkeys have a calming influence on horses, and I thought of you:

I'll go check my Renegade stash and email you if I have something that will work.

Sirje said...

Germans are lately feeling free to express their most racist selves. Looks like you have a chance to talk to an AFD/NPD supporter close up and personal!

Kitty Bo said...

I love it that you are feeling confident about new trails!

lytha said...

NM, omygosh no way i have to tell j...

It's all true, all of it (Han Solo voice). (About the donkeys)

Sirje, *SIGH* at the party, a van had a peculiar sticker on it (American style) saying, "Oest-Deutschland - Vergiss NIE von Woher du kommst" (oder so).What? I stopped, staring at it.

Today I learned from S1 it was the host of the party's van. Not sure still, what to make of it,

...til S1 continued, "Did you see their new GSD puppy?" YES! GORGEOUS DOG! (I love GSDs)

He's named after the Nazi soldier Roedel. Gustav Roedel., you don't do that, not in Germany. In America, OK.

Sirje said...

Whaaaaat. Ok so you were hanging out with actual Nazis. (Though the bumpersticker just sounds like sort of a sappy DDR nostalgia thing).

lytha said...

Sirje, odd cuz S1 refused to join the party with those types. And now you know what separtes her from them. I have never seen a DDR sticker or sign in my life in Germany. I cannot fathom DDR pride. Love the movie "Goodbye Lenin." Recently learned there is a strong demand for East German style GSDs in America. And that they are an actual type here. Actual Nazis......I'll dig deeper to see.

Sirje said...

DDR nostalgia is probably more a thing here in the east. But I've never seen a bumper sticker, either. Seems a bit silly. But naming your dog after a Nazi soldier? Why on earth would you do that, unless you love and want to glorify Nazis? Germany is definitely having some problems right now with the right wing. Have you been following the news from Chemnitz? Scary. The AFD is normalising xenophobia and racism.

Nat D said...

Happy trails! What if ... one day, you tack up and go off on your own? Bring a cell phone or noisemaker, and walk alongside Mag when you (or he) is feeling too anxious. Or bring along your husband the first few times. You might appreciate the solace, and definitely the independence. Practice getting on/off. Even if you only ride 5 mins at a time, that could be success.

I love the bond you have with Mag, and Im sure he loves it when you trust him. Probably makes him feel all grown up, like he needs to take care of you. Live boldly trail explorer!

lytha said...

Sirje, your astonishment is my own, even though we don't have a TV, I only get what I can from the radio when I drive, when I have the car. AFD has made an impact on my life though, to my dismay.

ND, I know, I plan on it! Thing is, my husband is too busy to come out with us, and does all he can do support this lifestyle. I will do so, but the next month I'm at the hospital full time doing a practicum for my EMT training. No time at all for anything else : ( I hope Mag feels grown up! Today he showed it a little.

BOLDLY GOING! Split infinitives, all the way. Thanks for the enthusiasm.

EvenSong said...

I agree with everyone above!! I "heard" the excitement in your post about exploring trails with Mag, and trusting him to handle it, and appreciating the woods in solitude with your horse, and I said "YYYYEEEESSSS!!!!"

The Kelly's Adventures in KY said...

That sounds like a great new trail you went up!! How cool that you have such detailed maps you can get ahold of in your area to plan. I'm excited for you to find some new - non-crazy fast street - ways to get to your meeting spots. Hoping for some cooler weather for you so you can get out and ride ASAP!

irish horse said...

Boldly Go! That is on my emergency ID bracelet. I"m so glad you're getting excited to get out. Keep that momentum going, even if it is handwalking, getting on just when you feel a little safe, then getting off when still confident. Every little bit helps.

(I so wish you were here! I just took out a green horse and rider, we just hiked for most of it, then she got on to ride just a little hill while Major pranced and pretended he was 3, sigh. It was super fun).

Now "Make it so."

lytha said...

You guys are so nice to me: )

ES, thank you, I feel it too, and hope I can remember it cuz I'm suddenly working full time and cannot do anything with the horse during the week. Thank you for your enthusiasm!

Kelly, You seem to totally get it. "non-crazy fast street." I hope the others agree!

Irish, Seriously? Boldly go is on our bracelet? *bows* I will try to keep the momentum but I just started an internship (post to come) and won't be able to do anything for a while. I agree exactly with your pattern of riding and leading. That is what I'll do. I so wish I was there too, I've never been in your region. Sparkling blue water, crispy gold grass.

TeresaA said...

I'm glad to read about your excitement. Your back way to the trail sounds perfect! S1 sounds like a good riding companion. too bad she is racist!