Monday, August 27, 2018


I saw this online today and had to share, especially since I'll be back in the ambulances soon.

It's called a Rettungsgasse - a rescue lane.


It is the law to create an opening for rescue vehicles - something to know if you come to Germany and wish to drive.

The people in the photo are doing it wrong though - isn't it obvious you shouldn't stand in it, or leave your car door open? The photo also missed all the guys who will just pee right there in the grass, whereas I have to be creative and look for something in my car.

I've begun to notice that people build the Rettungsgasse even when traffic does not slow down to the required speed. I've been in traffic that suddenly worsened, and everyone did this in anticipation of slowing down further, just in case. I thought it was cool and I participated, of course. (But technically it was wrong.)

There are little signs by the Autobahn to remind people to do this, and it must be odd for Germans to go to other countries and not know what to do. I wonder which way is statistically more efficient? Here are images of the various signs reminding us.

Article here. (If you follow their link, you'll get to experience Google Translate's attempts *lol*.)


AareneX said...

A snowplow? Really?

If a plow comes through, doesn't it hammer the poor people in the right lane?!?

TeresaA said...

That is fascinating. Here you are supposed ot move over but only if you hear the siren and/or see the lights. It creates a bit of confusion and some people will not get out of the way.

lytha said...

Aarene, hm, snowplow, good point. I'll let you know if I experience it!

Teresa, I hated how chaotic it was in America (and it seems worse every visit, cuz of the ultimate perfection of German driving! (I know you're not in America.) However I appreciate how back home, traffic BOTH directions will pull over for an ambulance, even if the oncoming cars are not blocking.

I thought it was funny, in the comment someone said, "How do they all know to do that?"

It's, to us, similarly surprising as how Germans do long division (totally, totally different from how I learned long division!). It's surprising to us, but just something they teach differently here.

When I finally get out of here, I'm sure gonna miss the way people drive (and the Autobahn). They don't multitask here while driving. So Seli asked me "What is this?" when I gave her tea to-go in a travel mug. I said, "It's for driving. You know, for the cup holder in your car?" She had no idea. Drinking tea/coffee whilst driving is not common here. And you really can't do it on the Autobahn!

Someday I'll be driving the ambulances! (The less experienced person drives.)

AareneX said...

Yay for driving the ambulance!!!! You have GOT to get a picture of you in the driver seat--but not while you're drinking tea.