Thursday, March 8, 2018


Ohmygosh guys it's raining.

Not just sprinkling, but a real, soaking rain, making music all around me, landing on me, making me feel like I'm home again: ) Despite the fact that it's coming down in waves, the birds are so happy to see the feeder I filled yesterday, they're braving it.

Tomorrow I take Mag on the hour long walk to Ani's riding ring and we see how he behaves after suffering the fever of the ice cabin.

I took him to the mailbox yesterday, btw, up on Hohestrasse, and he was fine. In fact, he was straining to munch grass the entire time, even though there's nothing growing yet.

Then I saw my good neighbor out on a walk, I got excited and started walking quickly to meet her, and Mag took that as a cue to dance and rejoice. "Let's run together!" I had to laugh, and I did not scold him, because my body language caused his happy outburst. Then he stood there patiently while the humans talked and talked....

I hope it rains on our heads again tomorrow on our first ride since January.

I've got my window wide open and the rain drops are blowing in and landing on my fingers as I type this. They made a word for people like me - pluviophile.



AareneX said...

Light rain here, too. I hope your rain clears away ALL the sn*w for you!

Unknown said...

Rain is far better than the snow that has crept back in our forecast for the next week or so. I am over it! Now, not only is it cold, lol, it is cold, raining, wet AND muddy. I went to the field today to bring Jean-Luc in and sunk all the way to my shins. Lol, he had to go in to "draft horse mode" to pull me out!

Sara said...

Enjoy the rain!!