What a surprise.
At 8:45 we left to meet Ani and I realized Mag was not softly snorting at his environment as I led him down our street. That's a goooooooood sign, I'll take it: )
He was in no hurry, stopping to stare off at things, or sniff poop. But not making me drag him along either. Nice.
30 minutes later we met Ani and oh my, Mira has a Winter coat! She's deep black, really beautiful. Mag has no coat yet at all, hence the Winter blanket (which he LOVES - he is finally not cold anymore).
Ani was so happy, she hugged me and said, "My horse is sound! She was lame on Wednesday but she's sound! I borrowed some hoof boots and prayed and it's a miracle, she's walking just fine!"
She must have been very worried. Mira was in fact moving better than before, and not avoiding the rocky center of the trails. Yay!
We led our horses together a while, and this guy on the trail said, "Why are you leading your horses and not riding?"
I said "Cuz I just took a shower and am having a good hair day (no translation in German) and hate to ruin it with the helmet."
He said, "So good hair is important."
*lol* I said, "We're about to ride, really."
We got on and had a wonderful ride.
Except that I forgot my road to trail connections and took us to the wrong place, and we ended up riding on roads most of the day! Ugh! To be honest I had planned the route thinking of Mira's hooves, thinking of last time how sensitive she was, so it's not entirely my fault we were on pavement so much.
It was garbage day and as we descended this narrow street, we hit a huge garbage truck. Since there was only one meter next to him to squeeze by, the driver was kind and turned off the engine. As we attempted to squeeze by between garbage truck and fence, the truck itself was making all sorts of digesting noises. I don't think I've ever done anything so challenging with Mag yet. I only did it cuz Mira went first, and was OK. It was one of those moments when you go, "This could end very badly." but Mag held it together. The men hanging off the sides of the truck waved at us kindly. They could have reached out their hands and touched our horses as we passed by, without stretching, we were that close. We survived!
At the bottom of that awful street I realized my error and saw a hiker in crocs with a dog. (Who hikes in crocs! Who goes to Aldi in crocs!)
He saw me apologizing to Ani, saying, "This is no good, I wanted to go left, but we must go right, further from home and I know you wanted a short loop today. So sorry!"
He came over and started describing the trails to us, and I realized I could follow what he was describing, I knew the area well enough. I should, these are my trails! He suggested and suggested, and I agreed and thanked him.
Mira went onto the little trail, but I stayed on the street cuz the guy wasn't done talking. He had more ideas for us. He was delighted, as Germans normally are, to help with directions.
As he continued, I realized Mag was just standing there.
Just standing there.
Not fussing, even though Mira had already gone through a no-car gate, and was on trail.
He just submitted to the reality of stopping to chat with people. He was 100% the opposite of yesterday, where he needed to get the heck out of there now.
What changed? What was the difference?
Finally the guy was done and I thanked him again, and we went onto the trail, and Ani said how lovely it was.
We crossed a once-terrifying bridge. No problem. I'm sure Mag noticed when my emotions change over no-horses-allowed bridges though.
Two Icelandic horses came running to us, and tried their best to follow us along the street. So pretty. One was pacing, and they were in such close contact, it's that Icelandic thing again, they have no personal space with each other, they're always happily crashing into each other, or cuddling.
Mira was getting away as Mag was fascinated with the two of them. They pranced alongside Mag, and finally I had to catch up.
What? How is that elderly Mira kept getting away from us today?
Cuz reasons unbeknownst to me, Mag was in no hurry today. But knownst to him, perhaps.: )
As we rode along Hohestrasse, the fields dropping away on each side, we could see very far in both directions, hence the name "high street." I was mostly riding in the actual street cuz the sidewalk has so many bushes hanging over, I didn't feel like ducking. Whenever busses whooshed by, I tried to get out of the way.
We rode along in silence, after I'd exhausted her ears with stories of Dortmund.
Mag would try to reach over and bite Mira's butt, as usual. I think it's an experiment, he just wants to see if it's possible to chew on her. He cannot resist putting things in his mouth, and horses are no exception. I always catch him before he does, and a couple times Mira swished her tail. I know she can defend herself, and with her easyboots on, I'm sure she cannot do much damage to Mag.
It was fun, our 3 plus hour ride. I love these long rides with Ani. I told her how much I appreciate her, what a "magical" influence her horse has on mine, and I don't know what I'd do without her.
She seems to appreciate me too, because she invited me to her church, the free church, that I really like. Of course I'll go with you Ani! She has no car so I'd love to give her a ride.
We finally parted ways, Ani totally thrilled with her horse "I'm so in love with this mare!" she said. I told her I know what it's like to worry constantly when a horse is a certain age. I'm just happy she's having so much fun in these final years, with her very first horse.
As we said goodbye, I said, "Mag, say goodbye to Mira" and let them sniff noses. He was like, "Finally I get to touch her!" And she squealed at him, ears pinned, tossing her mane. I laughed, "See, Anja, she can defend herself!"
She had dismounted, to walk home (she babies that horse, it's so sweet). I was determined to ride all the way home, through the valley of the shadow of death. (Mag's most hated trail.)
I did it too!
No problem, except Mag kept stopping and asking for treats when I said, "Goooooooood boy!"
He got lots of treats.
I rode him right into a creek for a drink, for the first time in this spot. He took a sip, but wasn't thirsty. I'd squired half a bottle of apple juice into his mouth: ) I'm determined to teach him to drink from bottles.
I realized as we navigated those up and down hills with roots sticking up everywhere, that he was balancing much better than ever before.
I gasped when I realized, Mag is learning how to place his feet on technical down-hill slopes.
I can regulate his speed, and on each downhill slope, I would half halt and take up contact, saying, "Nice and slow" and he did it! He slowed down and carefully placed his hooves.
If I didn't, he'd zig-zag down the trail, which is the slacker way.
I would direct him straight down the center of the trail, and he obeyed, "Straight down the trail, slow and careful."
I was thrilled, because at that moment, riding Mag down a tricky slope felt like riding any other horse I'd ever ridden down a slope. I mean, "normal." Not doing that stumbling-forward-catching-himself-on-his-forelegs thing. Sometimes even jogging a step or two, to make it less work for him to descend.
Normal is good.
As I rode him down, then up, then down, and used my brakes and steering, and had them working perfectly, I had a moment of perfect happiness.
Here we are, alone in the woods, and he's listening to my aids like never before, understanding what I wish. And getting lots of treats: )
I rode along our street, cars with trailers passing us, no problem, sheep, gardeners, machinists! Loud noises.
Mag was somnolent, so cool.
I found myself so relaxed, unconcerned about what might happen on this street, it was a flash from my past. A taste of pure trust.
I got off in our driveway and praised him like I didn't, yesterday.
Wish I had a photo to show you of relaxed Mag, walking down the high-speed street, Hohestrasse.
This is the best time of year.
No flies, no awful heat/humidity. And APPLES in abundance. So many I had to take a bucketful to Ani's barn tonight to share, and I will again.
Horses love this time of year, I think.
As I typed this, I could hear a tractor mowing hay/turning hay tonight. I love that sound. Agriculture all around us. Fields that farmers let God tend to with the non-stop wetness and sunshine, that simply must be mown and turned into feed, all around us.
Our turn next month.
Oh wow! What a good boy he has turned into. All your goals in that one ride :)
Wow, sounds like the perfect day! Am I jealous, heck yeah lol. We all have off days, and I'm sure youngsters even more so. I say this thinking of my youngest grandsons multiple meltdown day yesterday. In comparison to his sunny mood today!
What a great ride, GO MAG! This blog is a great place for you to keep track, have you noticed that his "good/great" days vastly outnumber his "naughty/challenging" days now?
I had a wonderful ride today too. I wish we could ride together again. Next year, right?
I am not surprised. The last ride you taught him that being a jerk was not acceptable so why try it again?
I love fall for riding too- it's so much better without the heat and bugs.
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