She's an interesting piece of work. But I need her for her arena (at 7Euros per visit) so....
Not this year.
This year my awesome friend S2 said she would be showing her awesome horse Chilly at the Western show. I volunteered immediately (months ago) to be there to help.
And SHE LET ME HELP! *lol*
She's a normal, nice person. Totally laid back. Just like her horse.
Her dorky East German boyfriend Andy was there also helping, but mostly he too videos of her classes, which is cool, but I teased him from time to time, "Hey, HELP her get on her horse, don't just stand there!"
He teased me back once, "Hey, say the word HALTER correctly!" I was honestly embarrassed.
Then Ulrkike arrived, also to help. She's a lady I knew from taking Mara to a TTEAM clinic, but I hadn't spoken to her since. She keeps her horses in S2's barn/various neighborhood pastures.
It was so fun to sit with Ulrike and hear her praise the goregeousness of every Paint horse that came in. And there were lots, it was a Western show.
She seems to be a nice person, I'm so glad I got to know her that day.
At one point between classes, the question went up, "Who wants coffee?" and I raised my travel mug high in reply.
The person selling the coffee was my nasty neighbor lady. The one with the chickens who have literally destroyed our relationship this year. I haven't spoken about these nasty chapters of my life on my blog because it's just so depressing. Trust me, the lady hates us. (And just this week my good neighbors up the hill said, "What, you didn't know she was full-on crazy?")
I gave Ulkirke a 5 Euro and said, "Coffee please, I don't want to buy it from my next door neighbor goat." (Goat is a nicer word for bitch). As I type this, seriously, she just arrived home with her three dogs and the newest one, a Dachshund, with the most ear-splitting bark, is going nuts about some hikers going by. Yah, they have THREE dogs now. The Dachshund will stand in her yard and bark at me the entire time I'm cleaning poop. That dog actually drowns out the awful noise of the chickens. Their screams/yells/calls.
I suddenly found myself holding Chilly and my rider was getting me a coffee. What a turnaround from last year, where I wasn't allowed to touch the horse.
Then, Ulrike put the 5 Euros back in my hand. She'd paid. How nice!
I saw my very-short-term riding instructor Katharina. Remember her!?!? I have no bad feelings for her even though she quit me as her teacher, most likely based on Mag's outrageous behavior, rearing up and kicking the walls of her family's arena. I had just arrived and needed help finding the warm up ring. She helped me.
Then I saw Chantal, our farmsitter! She was flustered, running around with a clipboard. I shouted, "CHANTAL!" to her and she said, "Oh, YOU!" She said she's volunteering and doesn't have time to speak. I was happy to see her again.
Ulrike said, "You have to pay a housesitter, but we just let the others in our barn care for our horses when we're gone!" Yah...there's that.
Then there was an outdoor class called Ranch Riding, which was a version of trail. There were three entrants. Chilly, a big QH, and a tiny grey mare. It had a garroucha test involved, very cool.
I saw the QH fly back as if she'd never seen a bridge, gate, or barrel before. Unbelievable!. Even in the indoor I'd seen a rider gouging her mare's flanks to get her to the bridge, what she was terrified about. That poor horse! I can't say Mag would have been better, if he'd never seen a bridge before in his life. But I wouldn't be spurring his groin!
I looked at the next mare, I couldn't get my eyes off her. What is it about her?
I finally handed Andy Chilly's reins and went to the grey mare's owner. I said, "What kind of horse is this?"
She laughed, "GREY!"
I said, "What is her name?"
She said, "Wally,...hey! I know you! You are her leasor!"
Yeah, 7 years ago I leased a sweet grey mare for a little while.
Today I saw her in Western tack, and I must say, my endurance tack was lovelier.
I'm proud of her owner cuz when I leased her, the lady was too busy with her new children to ride much. I was thrilled to see her take Wally into another ring later with her youngest kid on board, a lead-line class.
When I met Wally, she was the same. I greeted her, rubbed on her, and the lady's oldest daughter said, "You are from America? I love your accent, it's so pretty. I dream of going to America someday."
I said, "Then you will, cuz whenever a kid tells me they dream of having a horse, I answer, 'You will, if you want it enough.'"
She had a sweatshirt on that said, "Portland Oregon University." I told her I come from that area, and that if she has the chance, she should zoom in on that region of my country.
Also, I don't think there is such a thing as Portland Oregon University.
People on horses looking at cell phones. WTH.
Some horses were expertly groomed, with bridle paths (so rare) and trimmed fetlocks. That is Chantal looking over the horse. She's a good one. Just, stressed all day with the work.
Chilly won that class but my mare got 2nd: ) She was cool, and I'm so glad her owner is doing so much with her!
S2 got the trophy. Andy kissed her. I said, petulantly, "Buckets are better awards than trophies, you can USE them." They didn't agree. They're German. Chilly looks so awake in this photo!
There we go, this was Chilly most of the day between classes. What a good boy! Lip hanging, no worries be happy at a big horse show.
There was this Haflinger with a little girl on board, and they seemed to be having the best time in their classes. That Haflinge was FLEISSIG. (Industrious/good worker). His legs were flying in commitment to canter and trot. The little girl was just smiling the entire time.
Then I noticed Katharina standing by the girl and her Haflinger, as S2 and Andy ate lunch (and ate and ate...)
I trotted over and said to Katharina, "Is this one of yours?"
She said "HA! Everyone thinks if it's yellow, it's mine!" But she was nice. I said to the girl, "You make a great team, you and your horse. It's clear that you are having fun here, today. It's not easy, most people are stressed at competitions!"
The girl smiled and said, "Thank you."
Then Chilly didn't win a Western Pleasure class, and I was too short to see over the wall so I couldn't see why. I only noted that Western Pleasure at low levels in Germany is very, very fast!
And the announcer dude's English wasn't so great. He translated jog for trot.
Ulrike said to me as we observed over the rail, "I'd like to show, but they require a bit, and I ride bitless, with an LG zaum."
I said, "I'd love to show too! But I will not put a cowboy hat on my head."
We both laughed.
It was a fun but long day. Poor Chilly had no food, no water, the entire day. He just went from class to class, and stood stoicly in between. 5 hours. I told myself, no worries, standing still is his favorite thing. And it is, he is a gem. The only class he couldn't win was the one with extensions required. He's not gonna do that: )
And of course a 5 hour trail ride would have also involved no food and much more effort.
Chilly was the champion. He won the trophy for that class in the windstorm.
S2 has sent me a few thank you emails for being there, and for my photos.
She wants to ride with me soon but I'm busy the next few weeks.
I had a great 2nd experience at this Western horse show.
I'll do it again.
Only with the right people.
I LOVE this so much! How great to go to a show and see horse people you now and LIKE! It kinda tickles me, German's enjoying dressing up in Western clothes. Cowboys and girls are pretty cool. I love living in a ranching community.
Yes, that sounds like a much better experience. I was floored by the way you were treated when you volunteered at the other horse show.
Being barked at while cleaning manure is something I suffered through for three years. I know your pain. Speaking of chickens, the only way I knew that we had a solar eclipse today was that the neighbor's rooster was crowing right afterward. Ha ha.
WAHOOO, fun! I always like to pick out the person in the crowd who may not be collecting all the ribbons but who is clearly enjoying the day.
Okay, cowboy hat. You need to look at karen's hellhat® posse on Facebook. They have all the directions you need to make a helmet look like a cowboy hat. Stylish and safe!
Yes! How great that you totally upgraded your show experience with this awesome day! What is with the chicken people? I had wondered what the latest was with them. Sorry to hear it's not improved.
Great photos.
KB, You should have seen my face when I discovered the DQHA kiosk at a horse expo. The GERMAN QH Association. NO KIDDING! And they emulate Americans very well. Just, their western pleasure is FAST!(I don't mean fast, I mean not so-slow-gaits-are-ruined-slow.)
NM, what did you experience in the eclipse? I'm so curious!!! Even my doctor brought it up, cuz even Germany knew about it. What did it look like?
Aarene, you go to horse shows? Yah, probably to support Dory. BTW< she seems to be friends with my awesome trainer Deb Nelson! And you seem to be connected to my Maple Valley friend Brandi. Is the world shrinking? Sorry I cannot wear any type of cowboy hat, I just hate that look. Aussie, maybe. No, HELMET only. I'm vain.
Sirje, you really wondered about the chickens!? Well here it is. The husband, who is a good guy, had said I'm allowed to feed the chickens. And I had so much fun doing so, even though the noises they make during the day --- all through the day --- ruin my sense of peace. I liked how they all came running to me for my kitchen scraps, which I had to share with my cat cuz she was like, "WHAT about MEEEEE!?" One day I gave the chickens a piece of bratwurst and apparently the Ziege found out (is that an appropriate word, or is it too harsh? I don't want to say bitch.). Instead of talking to us, one hour later there was a big sign on our fence facing our house FUTTERN VERBOTEN!!!!!!!!! with so many exclamation points. ANGRY. Mad neighbor.
Mein Lieber Mann saw me sniffing and feeling terrible, pointing to the sign, and walked right over to her door with the sign in his hand. "I THOUGHT WE'D AGREED TO SPEAK TO EACH OTHER AS NEIGHBORS WHEN THERE IS SOMETHING AMISS."
She couldn't talk, cuz her three dogs were barking at my man. Finally she yelled, "I WAS TOO MAD TO TALK, YOUR WIFE FED MY CHICKENS MEAT!"
(Did you know chickens are alles-fresser (omnivorous?))
I understand though, that people want their animals on their specified diets.
He answered quietly, "Your husband gave her permission. But I'll let her know how you feel."
(Sorry but just now the bloody Dachshund started his shrill rasping barking again as I type. We used to have a peaceful home.)
They talked and talked, and she calmed down cuz my man never got excited, he never raised his voice.
I will never feed the chickens again, even though I'd enjoyed it, even though they wake me up at 5:18 AM with screaming and crowing 10 meters from my bedroom window. No exaggeration.
I feel our relationship is ruined, based on her misconceptions, or her view of reality, as we had to knock on their door to say, "Chickens in our garden again."
Even her sweet husband, the cop, said, "Chickens are a part of my childhood here in this house, their noises." He did not build the chicken house directly next to our bedroom window.
Nothing we can do, but I'm done with them, for the time being. My horse had an accident today and their new dog went crazy televising it to the neighborhood. I used to have privacy if something happened.
I tried so hard. When my mother visited in 2015, she told me, "For pityssake, quit being nice to those people!" OK then. And she's a Christian.
Regine, really? Thanks.
Oops, error, I meant to say the police officer next door did in fact build his chicken coop 10 meters from our bedroom window. I meant to say he didn't build it within 10 meters of HIS own window, of course! Also, it's irrelevant if the chickens are in or out of the coop at 5 AM, because they are even louder in the coop, with its sound reflecting surfaces. Living next to chickens sucks. Our visitors used to say how peaceful it is here. Not anymore.
Ok vey. First things first, if you call her a "Ziege" that is definitely not too harsh because you are literally calling her a goat and that is really adorable actually. :) what you MEANT to call her is a "Zicke". Which sounds well-deserved, frankly. Did you guys ever talk to someone about local ordinances? Whether the man is nice or not, that is a violation of your right to peace at home. You could calmly tell them that enough is enough, ordinance blah blah please move the chickens. That's the nice thing about Germany: there's always a law. If they still refuse, then you have a nice lawyer write a letter for you. Then a second letter, then you sir. It's very easy and civil. I have a bit of experience with lawyers since my very messy divorce from a German who studied law. ::colossal eye roll:: and since I practice (opera) at home I have also had to keep up to date with noise ordinances. It's not a horrible process, I promise you. And you can always drop it at any point.
Sirje, thank you for the info. I don't want to be saying bitch but I want to say "not nice person" somehow: ) You are right, about the sound protection laws. LOVE GERMANY.
I must ask you, does your opera create problems with your neighbors? My husband practices piano EVERY DAY. He's careful to do it during "noise hours". I watched a show on WDR TV called "5 fallen fuer 2 experten", it was about noise laws, and the contests between neighbors. They said it's not often a problem in the city, it's when people buy an einzel house, their own home, that they begin to feel very defensive about the sounds and smells. I agree. In Wuppertal, I would never complain. Here in the Carpathen, I'm pissed, but mostly cuz it changed.
Understand, we want to be tolerant - cuz we own this house, and they theirs.
At that party Sunday, I was saying what you typed, "I will miss the noise ordinances, you cannot even imagine......"
Tell me about your opera. My husband performs at the Wuppertal Opern Haus with the students, and is very proud of them. Next year they are performing GRIMM! Do you know it?
You should come here. 7 hours by train, free lodging.
Bloody Dachshund is screeching for the 3rd time since I started this comment. I can assuredly call this particular dog a Zicke! Thank you.
I'm lucky that I don't have a big problem right now, but I have had problems in the past, like most singers. It can be super rough because even though we are legally entitled to sing/play literally all day long outside of quiet hours until 10pm, the mobbing and bullying by neighbours can get intolerable even topping out at 1 or 2 hours per day. Ugh. People sometimes. If it's not your main income, then laws are actually quite stricter in many places. This is exclusively a city problem, though, because unfortunately you can hear a classically-trained voice several apartments the the sides, top, bottom, and even in the buildings in a shared courtyard. Most singing teachers therefore have to be quite careful about where they live, best is to move a bit out of the city so that you never have to worry about neighbours.
Not familiar with Grimm but how fun is that that your husband also performs at the Opera house! I don't sing classical productions anymore, though I still use classical techniques to keep in vocal shape. I do mostly experimental vocal performance these days. I have a website (just search by my email) where you can see what I do, if you're interested and have nothing to do some rainy day. And after my big huge solo thing in Denmark this year (24 separate operas in 23 days where I do all the parts and all the sets and all the costumes) I will have MUCH more freedom to leave for a jaunt to your neck of the woods.
Barking Dachshunds by the way are ALWAYS and by default Zicken. :)) My boyfriend has a bunch of great names to call annoying things, it's quite entertaining. Like... dumme Nuss, Nasenbär... for example we know a wire haired Dachshund on our street called Rudi. Rudi has a tremendous attitude. Rudi is officially a Schneckenbürste. haha!
I was raised by Dachshunds. To this day, a totally stranger Dachshund can approach me on the street, look up into my eyes, and I will obediently drop whatever food I am carrying. If I don't have food, I will promptly beg pardon and go get food so I can drop it. I can't help it.
Also, Dachshunds never NEVER shut up. They are louder and more persistent than Shelties.
Chickens: there's a rooster (NOT OURS) in our valley who begins crowing at 3am. If I had a cleaver handy at 3am, this would not be a problem for long, srsly. Rooster stew is delicious.
Cowboy hats are flattering! I love mine: straw for summer, felt for winter. But on a horse, a helmet is mandatory, always always always.
Sounds like it was a fun show, and your commentary was really fun to read. Good job on your reporting!
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