Wednesday, May 31, 2017

A package from America

Today at 2 PM my birthday gift from my mom and step father arrived, a box of my most missed items from America.

Immediately I noticed some wet spots in the package, and *sigh* - I knew my most treasured gift was destroyed.

My container of Best Foods mayonnaise (Hellmans for you on the East)  had sprung its seal in the heat wave of April/May. My most precious taste of home was destroyed. But was my husband's?

I had asked, "Did you send his thing?"

"Yes, don't tell him." Of course I wouldn't.

But my husband's most precious thing from America was drowned in mayonnaise.

His dark chocolate M&Ms.

You'd think they'd be available in Germany but they are not. And the do taste better than a typical M&M.

I wanted to cry. My mom was careful and had send him two packages, but the ruptured package of one them had me very upset. What a waste!

The tiny box cost my mother 57$ in shipping, and it took 3 weeks, and from the look of the M&M's, the package sat in a hot automobile for several days without moving.

J felt terrible for me, and said, "Take a photograph of the mayo jar, and send it to, "Best Mayonnaise" and see if they feel guilty enough to start selling 'Best Mayonnaise' in Germany." *lol*

I said, "It will never work." (BTW it's called Best Foods (Hellmans). It turns out that Best Foods is a taste of home I cannot live without. Along with A&W Root Beer.

I started picking out all the white foamy, powdery, broken up, chipped  M&Ms from the bottom of the cardboard box, and  my husband began to nibble. Then I nibbled and announced that we shall not all perish from mayonnaise-coated, heat-compromised M&Ms.

The blue ones are the best. But I don't eat candy so I resisted.

It's finals time so my husband is surrounded in piles of physics and math tests, so I put the bowl of M&Ms next to the piles.

I think he's happy with my birthday gift and I'm very thankful.

From my birthday package I have 5 new packets of Ranch dressing! That is the best thing of all because not only is there no Best Foods/Hellmans, nor no root beer,  there is nothing close to Ranch dressing in Germany.

Do you know how painful it is to throw a huge (by German standards) tub of Best Foods mayo into the trash, after it rang up that shipping cost, and wondering if it's actually not fatal to eat it anyway.....I guess only if you're one of those who are picky about mayo.

So happy with my birthday gift, and that my mom thinks of my husband.

Now if we could only find affordable flights, we'd be there this Summer.


AareneX said...

You do know that you can MAKE mayonaise? Google for recipes. Not expensive, not difficult.

I don't know of a way to make dark chocolate M&M's, though. Sorry.

lytha said...

Hey Aarene, I've seen in my expat forums that it is possible. I just doubt my expertise to create Best Foods exactly so.

But now I have a can of Albacore (nothing I've ever seen in Germany) so I may have to learn how, to make myself a nice tuna salad.

She also sent a can of Spam, cuz J loves Spam. I will try to love it again.

AareneX said...

Fry the Spam. Much better that way.


Kitty Bo said...

So sorry about your mayo. I've made mayonnaise many times since I was a teenager. You'll need a cool day. You need an electric mixer and a bowl with steep sides or a large measuring cup. You have to dribble the oil into the egg yolks very, very slowly, or it will curdle. Not for the faint of heart. I've made it successfully and I've failed. It tastes nothing like the commercially made,which I actually prefer.Do you like mustard? It can make tuna or albacore more flavorful, but nothing like mayo.

TeresaA said...

That must have been so disappointing.

I was also going to write that you can make mayonnaise. It's pretty yummy and better than nothing.

ellie k said...

Mayo is very easy to make. I used to make it by the gallons when I was a school lunch room manager.

hainshome said...

☹️ so sad!

Camryn said...

Oddly enough we just picked up Best Foods Mayonaise shortly here in Juneau after reading your post. I'd never heard of it before. Turns out it's Best Foods on the west coast, Hellmans back east! Learned something new!
So sad yours was destroyed.

Zoe said...

We have hellmans mayo in plastic containers here in the UK. Do you want me to post you some? email me your address if you do. Yes it's easy to make but you need to be careful adding the oil or it seperates if you add too much at one time

The Kelly's Adventures in KY said...

That sucks! How sad. I am also a lover of the dark blue topped Best Foods Mayo.
Do you have a US Air or Army base anywhere near you? You might be able to find the phone # of their PX and call to see if you can get a pass using your passport to go on post and buy some Mayo and M&M's from them. I've also seen the Hellman's when we were in the UK like what Zoe said. It was a mighty small jar though, but something that can easily be shipped!

lytha said...

The Kelly's- I always hear this advice, "Just talk to an army guy and get your stuff" but how exactly do you make friends with an army person? The nearest base in Kaiserslautern, near France, was very far. But to see all those Americans behind that huge fence, I wanted to run up to the gate, "LET ME IN!" I'm prepared for what you call a "mighty small" jar *lol* you should see the peanut butter here. But I'll take it!

AareneX said...

You can make peanut butter as well. Just sayin' ☺