Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Saddle fitting day in which I'm told how badly I'm doing by Mag

Eva is Gabi's best friend. She was a veterinarian until recently and she and her husband own a saddle shop called Way out West, which romanticizes the cowboy lifestyle. Their big van pulled up and it has cowboys riding the range painted larger than life. Eva's always been pretty nice to me, well, saying hi and smiling which means a lot to me. Her husband gave me a big smile when I brought my horse into the arena.

I had been looking forward to this all week - Mag's first clinic!

Eva gave a little speech to begin, describing the technology - a computerized saddle pad that senses pressure points as we ride and transmits it to a laptop where a visual display shows what it sensed. Pretty cool huh?

Her speech began so, "Much of the technology concerning saddle fit is developed in the USA. This is because there is a lot of money involved in the high-end horse sports there. Whereas the Americans will use these products on their horses for monetary gain, here in Germany we use these products for the welfare of the horse."

I kid you not, that is what she said, word for word. However, please believe me when I say I am numb to the blatant "forthrightness" that comes out of the mouths of Germans by now, like children, they say what they think without, well, thinking. So I shrugged it off.

I asked to not be first because I wanted more time to walk Mag around and warm us both up, and relax into the atmosphere. Except I couldn't relax. It wasn't cats or my horse, it was a sudden hit of performance anxiety, as I saw them hook up the first horse and the big plastic saddle pad started beeping, sending signals. I did worry that Mag wouldn't like the plastic, he's got issues with certain fabrics still. But I saw how the intern and the saddler and Eva stood in the corner discussing the computer screen, and critiquing the rider's movements. They shouted out to her, "How much do you weigh?" and she replied, "128 pounds." (in kg) Am I gonna have to shout out my weight to everyone? Are they going to stand there whispering among themselves about my performance and my horse? How awful!

I started to panic and tried to breathe. I stopped in the middle for a moment and Mag put his nose against my face and breathed into my nose. Whoa, what did he want to say? I know it was important, but how can I know. Most likely, "What is going on here that you are so upset?"

Then someone asked me to hold the PRE and as Mag tried to touch noses and I tried to keep them apart, I suddenly felt light headed and a rainbow started flashing in my vision.

NO, NOT THAT. I haven't had a migraine in years. I can't have one NOW! I kept blinking and shaking my head and went to Gabi and said, " I may have a migraine in a few minutes because I'm seeing a rainbow."

She had no idea what I was talking about but Eva did, she said it doesn't necessarily mean a migraine. Oh really? For me so far it has, but I tried to think positive.

Then it was my turn and I said to the saddler, "The last time I rode I fell off on my head and I'm still sore so I may not be able to follow all of your commands." He was fine about it and his wife said, "Be careful with this one, he's a young, sensitive Arab!" Then she asked me if Mag was purebred and I couldn't believe that's not obvious and then she wanted to know what type and I said Polish.

I got on with the electronic pad and Mag was fine with it. The saddler told me to walk him around the ganze bahn. I took some very deep breaths and remembered the techniques from Centered Riding. I felt good and Mag was walking along at a great pace, without needing encouragement. I actually had to say easy a few times and then I talked to him a little, "It's all good, we can do this."

I was told to do a volte and did it wrong - I did a 20m circle and a volte is an 8. Ok now I know! Then trot around the ganze bahn and I sat the trot a bit because that is my safety zone but then I posted because Mag doesn't need someone as heavy as me sitting on his back for more than a few seconds.

Then we did everything in the opposite direction and finally we were done.

This would be the point where the saddler and his intern would discuss the results with me, but no.

Eva took me by the arm, away from the others and gave me a lecture. It was exactly like I'd been asked to stay after class due to misbehavior. Her scolding tones were so loud, I was sure everyone could hear. She never said a word about my saddle.

"This horse needs to run! Arabians need to run! You are so tense, he is unable to move out, you are blocking his movement! He needs to run an hour every day, and then you'll have a different horse in the end. He needs to be let loose to play and then you should make him work hard, at least an hour, til he's so exhausted he won't spook even if a cat jumps in front of his face."

What, what about my saddle?

Then Gabi came over to listen. Eva continued, "Does your horse have the ability to run at home with you? With a herd?" I said, "Yes, all year." Then Gabi said, "HE LIVES WITH A DONKEY!!"

I felt sick. I was sick I think. I realized later that she had all these opinions about me and my horse and she'd finally been given a chance to vent them at me, because I was trapped at her husband's clinic.

I wanted to cry. I realized it is in fact the time of month that makes crying more likely.

It was so humiliating, and in case you're wondering, I've never had a conversation with Eva, ever, so she has no idea who I am and what my experience with horses has been, except from the input of others. She kept repeating he needs to run, he needs to be exhausted every day.

Then she started telling me what a great horse he is, how he is able to stay calm when his rider is tense. And how she saw him walk calmly off the trailer when he arrived on a loose lead, and how he stood with me on a loose lead in a completely new place, and how he walked with me on a loose lead, excited, but polite, and not freaking out "like all of these other horses would have been!" (as she gestured to the other horses in the ring with us.) "Do you have any idea how GOOD this horse is? He is such a good horse, mentally, emotionally, and physically - he has no significant asymmetry in his body, he has a lovely conformation, but you need to let him run!"

Obviously if you're reading this you know that we are at this barn for a few months of intensive training and Mag is not allowed in the herd, Gabi's rule, and in fact, confined to a paddock where he can only trot a few paces before he hits a fence again. And then he's stalled at night. Which for me would be unethical to do with a horse such as Baasha, who was old enough in 2008 that we prioritized movement and I insisted he live in a pasture when he arrived, not at this barn, which would have welcomed me. Mag is young and healthy and should be able to survive a few months without freedom of movement, although I hate it every day, that he has no pasture to run in. I feel exasperation toward Gabi, "Your best friend is accusing me of unethical horsekeeping, which YOU control."

And if you're reading this you know my feelings about trying to de-spook horses by exhausting them. Right.

Then she started talking about the different types of Arabians, how the Polish are so sturdy, and others not so much, and how she had a past with Arabians. She spoke to me as if I had not a clue about the breed of horse I own.

Then, "Don't hold his reins like that, he has a very sensitive mouth! Clip the reins onto his halter!" WTH, I was just standing there with him. Does she think I am abusing his mouth? Is she going to STEAL HIM to give him a proper home? I felt terrible.

Finally, FINALLY, her husband said, "Can you stop talking for one moment so I can let this lady know what the computer said about her saddle?"

Someone took my horse, not sure who, I was in such a daze.

The saddler showed me the pressure points of my saddle and sure enough they are exactly where the stirrup leather straps run under the neoprene pads, like so many owners of these saddles complain about. Then Eva and her husband looked at my saddle, I took it apart for them, and they were very confused and surprised, these saddles are not common here. "What are those holes?" "They are different stirrup position settings."

They said my saddle is too long for Mag's back and I am not sure I agree - it does not go behind his 18th rib. It's just at the limit, I admit. Then again the saddle forum mentioned this, I recall, that these saddles seem too long for short backs. But Mag does not have a short back, he's more of a dachshund.

They say I need to take the saddle to their shop and have the back end of it turned up like a Western saddle so that it doesn't put pressure on the loins.

She said I should use a very thick Western pad and cut holes where the pressure points are. I assured her that I can use a hoof rasp to file down the neoprene bar pads on those spots, which achieves the same thing. That was hard for her to understand, because that is not a typical practice for saddles, rasping the bar itself down.

He said he'd email me the computer image of the pressure points. That was nice.

I left, giving Mag his bucket and finishing my chores, trying to conceptualize what just happened. My head hurt a little but it was no migraine, thank God.

I talked to Willy a little bit and that made me feel a lot better, he's such a great guy. I told him I'm staying home tomorrow and he told me to put Mag's beet pulp in the rider's lounge to keep it from freezing, and he'll feed it tomorrow at noon.

I pointed to all the bread on Mag's stall floor and said, "My horse doesn't eat bread rolls---that someone apparently tossed to him---he's from Poland!" Willy assured me that they also feed bread to horses in Poland. I said, "Not in America."

Where we are all about the money, not the welfare of the horse.


TeresaA said...
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TeresaA said...
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TeresaA said...
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TeresaA said...
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Cricket said...
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lytha said...
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carol said...
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TeresaA said...

"So are Canadians about the money or the comfort? *lol*"

Surely you jest.

Canadians are all about feeling better.


lytha said...

I have accidentally removed comments, I'm so sorry. I was commenting that Jochen Schleese is right on. And laughing about something karen burch said....

Oh dear.

TeresaA said...

JANUARY 24, 2017 AT 9:47 AM
Karen Burch said...
The best thing to take away from that day is Mags reaching out to find out why you were so upset. He was reminding you to breathe. You two have this.

One of the problems with trying to exhaust an Arabian is that it doesn't happen. And making your horse run every day until they are exhausted doesn't work. You just end up with a very fit Arabian. What you are doing is much better. Next time bring ear plugs.

JANUARY 24, 2017 AT 10:31 AM
lytha said...
T, your first article is from Jochen Schleese. Right on: )

I was gonna say STOP but


You took a lot of time to help me feel better today. And since I am one who appreciates Shcheelse (almost met him, just his wife) I want to pursue this further.

So are Canadians about the money or the comfort? *lol*
Haven't cleaned my cache:

JANUARY 24, 2017 AT 10:50 AM
Carol Holm said...
Brush those peoples comments off. You know yourself and your horse. You are a fine, horseperson and care for your horse well. And many equines have non equine friends. There have been many examples of horses with dog/rooster/or donkey companions.

Also, those people may be surprised how their comments affect you.

You are making great progress with Mag, and doing well!

Best wishes,

TeresaA said...

Okay so I'm trying to control my rage here so bear with me. I will get to the saddle fit thing.

First of all that woman who took you aside to yell at you WAS OUT OF LINE. Way out of line. Like 'fuck off' out of line. I HATE when someone sees you once and makes a judgement about everything you do with horses and judges you negatively.
You are doing a GREAT job with Mags. He's a happy horse and obviously enjoys spending time with you.


People need to shut the F up about the donkey. There's nothing wrong with a horse/donkey herd. NOTHING. There's no evidence it's just a biased opinion.

In a wonderful, perfect universe all horses would live in a magical meadow of grass (but not enough to get them fat or laminatic) where they could gallop joyfully playing freely until their soul mate human comes to ride them bareback through a valley of butterflies and rainbows. As riders we would have perfect balance and never be tense or upset or worried or nervous.


The horse is fine. He gets out, he gets attention, he gets fed. At home he can play in the field. He's here to learn to be a safe riding pony. And you are making such great strides there.

Yes you were tense. It was the fault of the clinic. WAs it helpful to Mags? In some ways yes- he's learning that sometime you can be tense and IT'S STILL FINE. That is a fabulous lesson for him to learn.

As for the technology you used I am checking with saddler about that. I have this memory of her saying that it was all bullshit (but I could be wrong). She is a certified master saddler from England which means that she's not only qualified to fit a saddle she's qualified to make one. I will let you know what she says.

So many red flags for me that I would not use that person even if I wanted a new saddle. To me this smacks of those people who try to demolish your self-esteem so you will do whatever they say. Forget it. They don't deserve your money. Or time.

Okay, I could go on but I need to go calm down.

GAH. I am so pissed off.

JANUARY 24, 2017 AT 9:12 AM
TeresaA said...
So here's a reference: https://equinewellnessmagazine.com/technologys-role-saddle-fitting/
using that device with no other knowledge is NOT reliable. Also, interesting that the saddle you need is just the one they sell......

JANUARY 24, 2017 AT 9:18 AM
TeresaA said...
And some research: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/16014331

"The results question the indiscriminate use of current saddle pressure measurement devices for the quantitative assessment of saddle-fit under practical conditions and suggest that further technical improvement may be necessary."

tell me to stop if you like. :)

JANUARY 24, 2017 AT 9:24 AM
TeresaA said...
okay- last one I promise-

I heard back from my saddler: "If it is Pliance then it is a good system but the person reading it has to be very competent as a saddler and as a horseman with good knowledge of biomechanics of horse and rider and how all the pieces fit together.It is not a simple thing to do.For instance if you are reading mean pressures you must take into account the footing, the riders ability etc.You may show a high average pressure but it may be because the horse stumbled several times and the pressure shows high because of it.Similarly if a horse or ride is crooked or the horse is slightly lame. The experts in Pliance in the UK and the US that I have worked with tell me it takes hours of practice over years to interpret the data. It is also necessary to have video of the test to see when and where the pressure was high before you can say why. So as you can see it is not as simple as showing pressure points.You have to know why or you can make things worse by doing the wrong adjustments."

I can put you in touch with her if you like. I believe her previous apprentice (who qualified) is now living in Germany so she might be able to get you some names for a second opinion.

lytha said...

T, you rock. Did you get my comments via email? I have no idea. I've been blogging since 2001 and I've never lost comments before. You got them back at a very moment where I was feeling weepy.


My husband asked if you work for the intelligence agency of Canada. He's grading math papers in front of me right now and it's his birthday and we're happy you rescued my dilemma today.

He's smiling at me now, I snapped my fingers and said, "She just made it so, retrieving my lost comments." He is saying you should come visit. It's so less further for you than the West coasters.

I'm gonna post an image of the saddle pressure test. Curious.

BTW, we've never heard anyone besides Leonard Hofstaeder say the word GAH before. Must be a thing: )

Anonymous said...

I guess it's easy to pick on Americans. Almost anything you say would be true of some of us. Most of the horse owners I know here make their decisions for the comfort and well being of the horse. Some are so obsessive about it that they rarely ride their horses, because everything has to be perfect. Very few people make enough money in horses to have money be their deciding factor.

I agree with Theresa. That woman should have kept her mouth shut. I don't think she was even trying to help you and Mag.

And I think you need that second opinion on the saddle fitting, and preferably not from someone who owns a saddle shop.

lytha said...

Karen, I remember how you made me laugh when I was feeling so down - "it doesn't happen." *lol* oh and the ear plugs: )

Teresa, don't ya just love having your horse at home, where no one starts to get completely out of line with you? Geez! I'm remembering now. Thanks for your encouragement, you are so right, Mag learned from it, I learned from it, and no lasting harm was done.

I don't know if it's Pliance - I'll post a photo tomorrow and maybe you can tell. I've looked at your links, it looks like it but I cannot be sure.

Oh, I sent the saddler an email tonight - in formal German- thanking him specifically for being kind with me when I was suffering pain and nerves from my fall this week. I hope he realizes how much it meant to me how positive he was to work with.

Sirje said...


Where the HELL do these people get off. I am outraged that they take so many liberties with their opinions, that they DARE to assume that they have the right or any standing invitation to make you feel so small. This was incredibly rude, and unkind, and, worst of all, ignorant.

I have been so happy for you, reading about your daily adventures and your reaching your goals. You have been having an incredible time there, doing exactly what you set out to do, successfully, joyfully, and you have every right to be extremely proud of that. Of yourself, of your expertise and ability, and of your right to tell people, should you decide to exercise it, to FUCK OFF.

I'm so angry!!!!!

AareneX said...

Okay, this is where I put on my teacher hat and say stuff like

"These people do not respect boundaries so you need to make your boundaries ENORMOUS."

Or, as a former colleague used to say, "Your opinion is important to me, F##k you very much." (It might be me that says that, you never know).

Yes, you need to loosen up, but saying to you "LOOSEN UP!" is not the way (it's like telling a crying child to stop crying...because THAT always works so well).

What steps can you take to reduce your fear and enable you to loosen up? You're smart. You can figure this out. Figure out what you need to do, that's the easy part. Start doing that stuff, that's the harder part.

In the meantime, repeat the mantra: "Your opinion is important, f##k you very much." Keep in mind that people who are mean to you are not your friends. You don't have to be nice to them.

If somebody ever came up and randomly kicked you in the knee, you wouldn't let them come anywhere near again. Same can go for people who are verbal bullies--keep them away, either by removing yourself or by telling them to go away.

Report back here, we gotcher back!

Miss Toffelees said...

Lytha, please, do yourself a favour and try to ignore idiots, nevermind their nationality. I know this is so, so much easier said then done, but you're just making yourself suffer.
As a German, who has lived abroad, do you want to know exactly how many stupid Nazi jokes I've listened to? I don't think there is one left in this world I haven't heard before. Or the umpteenth story about the great-grand-aunt that died in the Holocaust? Like that's my fault... when I was born the war had been over for 40 years, nearly to the day.
Unfortunately, people are like this, most often those who never ventured far from their hometown.

Anyway: Keep your jhead up, you know your horse best (and your country, too!)

TeresaA said...

I'm glad I could help you Lytha! I just hadn't emptied my cache and I thought - I wonder if I go back I can retrieve them and voila.

And Yes, I LOVE having my horses at home.

I didn't know that 'gah' was not widely used. :) Must be showing my age. And yes I totally want to come and visit. I can't imagine going through life and not visiting Europe!

Also, Nova Scotia is fun. Just saying. And in my area there is a strong German heritage....

Camryn said...

First off, bless sweet Mags for showing concern for you. extra hugs for him from me. Secondly, what Be-otches! Gabi I imagine gossiped to her beforehand!, so she felt "in the know" and righteous. Of course Gabi would've failed to mention her part in Mags limited turn out, lets tag team & belittle the sweet American woman. And jeez, both Be-otches knew you'd had an aura, that alone wouldn't account for tenseness, let alone nerves and your recent fall. Her comments of how calm and well behaved Mags is with you totally contradict her, he must run in order to behave type comments to boot.
I get the Germans forthrightness and have come to interpret as "we are always rightness!" Yes, I just suffered an entire day with my DIL and her German Mother this weekend LOL.
Just take their comments for what they're worth to you, which is exactly "NADA", worthless totally.

Kitty Bo said...

Well, I see I'm not the only dropping f bombs over that woman's ridiculous behavior. Listen, if Mag were suffering from this confinement, he would be acting loony tunes. I will add my gah! also. Those Germans drive me crazy with their ignorant and superstitious ideas. I wish your girl squad could have been there to stand up for you.

Oak Creek Ranch said...

I completely agree with Teresa (as usual). You and Mag are creating a wonderful bond and HOW DARE that woman come at you that way. Sure, we all make mistakes with our horses but the important thing is our intent and that we try -- and that is what matters to the horse. He trusts you, he looks to you for comfort, and he tries to provide that back to you. He doesn't need to be run into exhaustion (one of my pet peeves, people to lunge their horses before riding to tire them out -- not to check in with the horse). Oh, and I resent that comment about Germany being closer to Teresa than to us West-Coasters (just kidding). Hang in there. Have a chocolate chip cookie; they always make me feel better (or did J eat them all).

T said...

Oh goodness,I don't miss the barn busy bodies. Remember, usually when people need to be that aggressive with unsolicited opinions it's more of a reflection of their own insecurities than anything else. I'm glad you found the saddle fitter himself helpful :)

Sirje said...

Now that I have recomposed myself and put a more ladylike mouth on my face, I want to chime back in and add my unsolicited advice to your horrible experience of receiving unsolicited advice, but which might help you in a pinch next time. It's gotten me out of many a pickle in this country: "I didn't ask you for advice on that topic, thank you." Or just plain "I didn't ask you for your opinion." Said loudly but not aggressively, as an interruption, and with a deadpan face and voice.

When people start telling me what Americans think and do, I always correct them. I can't stand that.

But really, you talk about fear and being shocked mute in these situations, but another way to look at it is that you have incredible grace and kindness. I would have literally bitten their heads off, and that doesn't make me any better, nor powerful, than they are. So kudos to you for having that particular fortitude, and i hope that mega power extends now to letting it go.

I second everyone who has pointed out the sweet connection you have now to your horse. Mission accomplished!

lytha said...

Sirje, if there's a stronger word don't teach it to me! *lol* I think to answer your question, she's a veterinarian and cannot imagine people not wanting her to teach them things about animals. She can't stop herself from giving it out, I guess. And since she was a vet, I assumed she would have something valuable to say, anything? But I didn't ask, and I should have said, "Is this about the saddle?" interrupting her.

Redhorse it's easy to hate but became easier this week when America's president literally weakened the German economy all of a sudden. Not that Germany won't recover. People here see me as a target to vent their Trump issues on. Same thing in 2007, no matter how much I say "Don't talk to me about it" they can't help it, I'm American. I see the reasons America is hated from this cold, high moral ground called the EU.

Aarene, I'll think of something to say that won't involve cussing: )

Miss T, I have seen for myself how Americans treat Germans. They cannot get WW2 out of their heads every time they see a German person. Is that Hollywood's fault? When people like you say ignore idiots, it really does help, thank you. She may be a veterinarian, but she had no right to do that, so, idiot when it comes to social skills.

Teresa, I looked it up and "gah" entered the Urban Dictionary in 2004, and isn't Big Bang Theory something kids watch nowadays? I like that UD says, "Only the coolest people use this word." *lol* So I'll have to start using it, immediately.

Camryn, it took me a while to figure that out - since Eva has never spoken with me, and never seen me ride or work my horse, everything that came out of her mouth was something Gabi complained to her about me. I know Gabi is a gossip, and I know no one is excluded from her gossip, and by causing that and contributing to that yesterday, I cannot consider her a friend. How sad, how I am repeatedly disappointed in potential friends/contacts in the horse world. As I said to J last night, "I feel like being at this barn is showing me what types of behavior I want to never see in myself." He replied, "Do you want out?" I said no, give me more time, I'm not on the trails quite yet.

KB, speaking of loony toons, that's the thing - Mag is a pretty lazy horse and although loves the chance to move, he just stands around when I turn him loose in the outdoor or indoor, as I posted video of. Mara would run herself, cuz she was loony and needed to shake off stress by running around.

Annette, all the cookies got eaten by the teachers at J's school, he said he got one: ) Going through rough times (no turnout, mean people) is a way of making a bond, you're right! You know exactly how long that flight is from the West Coast to France, so imagine it being 5 hours less, woo, yay for Teresa! Poor us.

T, hm, really? So, there is some sort of hypocrisy in play?

lytha said...

Sirje, it is my Christian upbringing that allows me to silently take abuse (this is why I'm really good in healthcare!), but I need to be able to protect myself. The problem is, in stressful situations, my German is less than eloquent. So today I tried to think of a polite response to stop a tirade and then I translated it into German, "Warte. Wenn ich nach deiner Meinung gefragt haette, dann wuerde ich Gluecklich sein, sie zu haben." And if they don't get it, I'd have to add the, "Aber ich habe nicht gefragt, oder?" (Still not eloquent, dangit!) It's easy to let something go after receiving support from fellow bloggers here, so I thank you.

I have a slowly-lengthening list of people I will not go to for advice or help with my horse at this barn. But I will still say Guten Tag and smile at them. (My husband always says I cannot NOT smile cuz I'm American. And the smile is what messes up our accents..)

Ironic that my veterinarian, who I pay with money, never gives impromptu lectures on horse keeping improvements/horse psychology.

Translation from above, "Wait. If I had asked for your opinion, I would be happy to have it."

Zoe said...

Blimey what a dreadful day. I hope you're feeling better today.

Kitty Bo said...

Who says your response needed to be in eloquent German? I imagine you giving a smacking good reply in English and leaving them wondering what the hell you just said.

Anonymous said...

I feel for you on the Trump issue. I didn't know he had affected the German economy. Just tell people, even though he won't admit it, he didn't get the majority of the votes.

Nicole A said...

Redhorse, one of the biggest problems with the US and now the current president, is that North Americans don't realize that, because the US is one of the world's superpowers, the decisions that are made by our government have effects on the international community. Sometimes it is a ripple effect, but oftentimes it is a direct effect. Hence why all seven continents protested during the Women's March. :/

Achieve1dream said...

This post made me cry in frustration and anger. I literally want to smack that jerk in the face with a riding crop!!!!! What is her problem. That was completely uncalled for and totally wrong!

You are smart, kind and caring. You're doing a fabulous job with Mag. Heck you did an amazing job with Mara even though she didn't work out for you. Baasha was an incredible horse largely due to you. Don't ever doubt yourself. Don't ever believe what idiots like that say. You're awesome and above who had ever actually taken the time to get to know you knows that. I'm so sorry you were abused like that. I'm glad you have the support of all of your friends on here to cheer you up. Hugs!