Sunday, May 24, 2015

Only last night I found myself lost by a station called King's Cross

Recently I fulfilled a dream to see the green hills of England, where CS Lewis and Tolkien walked and imagined their tales in a wind-swept, rough landscape, aided by the most wicked weather. A fellow blogger from Oxford  showed me this wonderful area and its gorgeous buildings and a church service I will never forget. Later he showed us where Hobbits drink ale.

I'd enjoyed Oxford immensely, but recalled that when I first arrived in Europe in 2005, the song on my iPod was King's Cross, even though I was in West Juelich - it didn't matter.

Tomorrow morning at 5 AM I fly to London for my first time.


Fletcher said...

Enjoy :)

I was in Kings Cross 30 years ago. I remember I enjoyed it and little else. Though currently(?) of HP fame, I seem to remember my visit having something to do with Dickens.

Were I in London these days I suppose I'd go in search of The Doctor ;)

Zoe said...

Looking forward to seeing what you get up to in London. Human says I wouldn't like it there.

Kitty Bo said...

So looking forward to your adventures!

Anonymous said...

YAY!! I hope you have a blast!!

Bakersfield Dressage said...

Enjoy!!!!!!! We took the train from London to Edinburgh (and then drove around Scotland for two weeks) a few years ago. London is a very interesting city. I hope you enjoy it. :0)

lytha said...

Fletch, there was a pub my mom went to where Dickens would eat - she was so thrilled to be there. Then they told me about a wonderful pub called Hung Drawn & Quartered in the torture district. Cute huh?

Zoe, I ne'er saw a single 'orse. Poo in the street, but no' a 'orse. I saw the bridle trail in Hyde/Serpentine park, a lovely sand path made for riding, but just like NY city, I don't imagine it's fun for horses to be surrounded by cars with a bit of grass to one side. I also must say, it was lovely to not be the fattest person in the room, every time. English people love their meat pies too!

Karen, really? I am ashamed to say I know nothing about Scotland. And when we sat outside at a pub with a Scotland guy who was visiting to watch a soccer match, I didn't know what to say to him.....I tried to tell him we have an Aberdeen in Washington, where Kurt Cobain was born but it flew over his head. Did you take "the tube"?

Achieve1dream said...

That is so cool!! I hope you have fun in London! So exciting!