I can see Aarene shaking her head at me now, because I had just spelled out my P-p-p plan for December. P-p-p Powerbook was a 2004 prank where a scammer was scammed by a Seattleite, and I feel like December just played a prank on me.
I gave her 8 ml of Bute and the vet arrived the next morning. He tested her hoof and did flex tests. The tests were positive higher up near the shoulder/elbow area. He thinks she probably injured herself playing, so I'm to give Bute the next week and then contact him in a week if she's not better for nerve blocks.
I could see he was leaning toward restricting movement but I never do that unless absolutely required, I think even a horse on Bute will take care, and she has, she's not filthy from rolling today, and when I watch them at pasture, I don't see galloping.
He also gave her a Rhino shot, called Herpes or EHV-1 here, and gave me all my Praziquantal and Ivermectin for both animals at the end of this month.
He noted that the area of her Passport indicating whether she's for slaughter or not was not completed, so he filled that out and we both signed it. Not food, my horse. Also, full of Bute. The vet showed me his notebook where, by law, he must record all substances given to horses who are on the "to be eaten" list. (And I confirmed that a horse who has ever had Bute is not legal as food at any time - there is no 6 month waiting period.)
The vet confirmed that Mara is on the verge of being too fat, which in my opinion means way too fat already. My goodness, she is an air fern. She gets nothing but freechoice crappy yellow hay and a pasture with not so much grass. And just enough grain to cover the taste of the vitamins. All I can do is reduce the hay a bit I suppose. I had to go get a sleazy because she's getting a blanket rub because the blanket is so tight around her chest. The other day while trying to squeeze her into that Amigo blanket, I started singing Fat horse in a little coat.
I switched to the Schneiders blanket which I hate (rain comes right in the neck, and it puts pressure on the wither area), but at least it is roomier. Burgundy looks so much better on Mara compared to fire engine red. I look forward to the day when I can throw it away, but for now it's a good backup. I am very close to putting an Amigo Bravo Wug on my Christmas list. Does anyone have this blanket? Something in me resists getting a blanket with a Bawwy Kwipke lisp.
Baasha's Jammies.
As you can see she's weighting her legs just fine. It's the RF that is sore.
This picture reminds me, as I was combing her mane, she suddenly started trembling all over. Whole-body shaking, what's going on? It turns out she was terrified of two little blond girls playing in the street, just out of sight, taking photos of each other and singing. Singing girls terrify my horse. *sigh*
Of course, my new riding/hiking boots just arrived, and I have a new piece of tack arriving in the mail today.
Last night I got a call from the sheepskin company that is making me a custom saddle blanket for my Eurolight.
When we can't ride, we shop.
Wait, what is this? Someone explain please. Note that it apparently requires a 2nd person to remove:

Then I had some fun comparing my first ride on Mara (March 2013) to this past Summer. I remember having not a clue about this horse. If only I'd known at the time what I was buying....

First, the Wug. Love it! Our 34yo boarder wears one. In the seven years he's been with us, it the only blanket that doesn't rub, and I really like the high neck. I just ordered one for Kate. My girls usually go without, but she's on stall rest for a year (versed tendons--don't know if you do face book), and can't move around to stay warm.
As for the "seat belt,".i suspect that particular rig is for the obstacle phase of carriage eventing (think cross country in a cart). It's way crazy, and the rider actually helps balance the cart as they careen through the course. See if you can find it on YouTube-- it's crazy!q
Plans. You can always use them for compost, I guess....
Blankets: if she's nearly fat and has access to a shelter, does she need one?
I generally blanket Fee because she was such a hard keeper (pre-spay...do not doubt that pain eats calories), because she chills easily, and because I lock her out of the stall during the day. She does have trees to hide in during bad weather, and she does use them, even with a blanket on. Such a wimp.
Now Fee herself is getting plush, but she still chills easily (cold ears, tucked tail) so I've got a very light blanket on her, just one step up from a rainsheet. And her hay is cut way back. But if she didn't get cold, I'd leave the blanket off entirely.
Aww that sucks!! I hope it's just a play injury and that she heals up asap.
I could never let any of my horses have for meat on a passport. *shudder* I've always wondered how imported horse meat works. Do they import it to Germany? The USA sends horses to Mexico where they kill them and then export the meat to other countries... our horses have all sorts of drugs in them so how can it possibly be used for human consumption??? Anyway I could probably look that up, but your post made me think of it lol.
Chrome is fat too! I think it's just a hay belly though from having 24/7 access to hay. I can feel his ribs still. His big old belly just looks really big on his narrow body hehe.
Good luck with the blanket! I don't know anything about the Wug.
On your ride comparison pictures the two on the left are the same... the difference is awesome though!
Evensong, I think I've seen that type of driving with the obstacles. It looks like a fun sport.
Aarene, I know - the blanket thing. The Western trainer said she needs one at a certain temp, because she has practically no Winter coat. Honestly I started using it a few weeks ago simply because I was sick of trying to scrape the mud off both sides of my horse every single day. Mara is the kind of horse who needs a rump rug to function properly on a wet or cold day, but since she's so fat, I want to try not blanketing, but I just don't know, I'm torn. She doesn't use her shelter if it rains, that would make the decision simpler.
Achieve, the nice thing about horse slaughter in Germany, the horses don't usually suffer - you call a meat guy and he comes and kills your horse at home, or you take it to him and he does it there, and the horse doesn't have to travel far to die. In Belgium, France and Holland there are draft horses who are raised for meat.
I hope Mara is feeling better soon! no input on that particular blanket, but with my round ponies I do sing the fat man in a little coat song frequently. (Still one of my favorite movies of all time...a tiny coat,a hotel stay, a bee, a gas station, chocolate in the car, a deer on the highway...I annoy my poor husband with quotes for every situation ;)
BLANKETS! You **must** watch these:
Sound on. Hilarious!
T, the chocolate (MnMs?) in the car was one of the best made moments in film history. I am kind of obsessive about my cars and when the chocolate ran into the dash vents, I lost it: ) ROTFL!
Aarene, yay, new Smartpak vids! Those are great. I like when she walks away with the blanket half on and freaks out.
I just looked through my marathon pictures from Aachen a few years back and sure enough, all the drivers wear "seat belts". Which seems logical if you consider the speed at which they negotiate these obstacles.
By the way: if you ever get the chance the marathon phase of driving at Aachen is free and really worth watching. Although I should warn you it's really, really full and I believe you don't get into the fenced off area where the trade-stands are. I had eventing tickets and just stuck around, so I didn't pay too much attention as to where you could or could not go without a ticket.
MT, Having to buy a ticket to enter a shoping area really annoys me - like those fancy Christmas markets where there's an entry fee? Come on, we're there to shop! Aachen is quite close though: )
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