Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Smartpak's "If horses were people" videos

I don't know if you have seen these but I just found them today. Bravo Smartpak! I challenge you not to LOL.

Below is episode 7 which is clearly my horse.

Check out the others and let me know which ones made you laugh: )


Cricket said...

That made me laugh out loud. I could be that horse/woman. Being in the lead and then stopping absolutely cracked me up.

lytha said...

My husband laughed out loud at episode 1 (trailer loading), the puddle episode, and the one about the farrier (not one of the 8 episodes, you might have to search for it in the youtube sidebar). I am totally in awe of those 2 ladies - the one for being such a great horse, and the other for keeping a straight face!

Anonymous said...

Extremely great acting, particularly by the "horse"! Dawn is definitely the bucket pooper and biter-behind-your-back . . .

Loved the farrier episode.

irish horse said...

These are hilarious! I like the puddle one, "It ate Tony" perfect. Thanks for sharing these!

lytha said...

Kate, wasn't the acting amazing? I'd love to see the outtakes. I'm glad you found all of them.

Irish, I was ROTFL about the puddle, and so was my husband, and not cuz he'd ever confronted a puddle on a reluctant horse, just cuz he'd listened to all my stories.


I dislike the use of "really?" and "seriously?" which has permeated our language as demonstrated by these Smartpak videos, but in these examples, were great. When we visited America last, we were warned how everyone said "Seriously?" by my family. I guess it's true: )

I noticed a new form of German speech this week when our chimney sweep arrived. He said, "Yo!" and I wondered, REALLY?, is he from the 80s?

AareneX said...

I'd never seen the one with the puddle!

Achieve1dream said...

LOL!!! Those are hilarious!! I loved the stopping when she got in the lead, the puddle and the farrier. I was laughing so hard my ribs hurt!! Thanks for sharing!