Friday, October 11, 2013

Shopping in America for a German horse and donkey (and for ourselves!)

Did I say we're going to America this month? I think I forgot to say it. I'm compiling lists of things I want to buy, things we need, that cost a lot less back home. Top of the list: horse wormer: all kinds. I've already got a cart filling up at Valley Vet Supply.

I need a pommel pack that goes on a Specialized Saddle, optimally without the fuzzy white fleece that looks awful so quickly. I already have the super ultra Snugpax, I just want two bottle bags for the front. I need to order soon cuz we'll only be there 2 weeks.

I was also thinking about trying Shapley's Original M-T-G Plus on Mara's tail, her ridiculous wisp of a tail. Does anyone have experience with this product? It seems that a lot of people use it on themselves to grow hair! (If you want to see how pathetic Mara's tail is, go here.) I can actually get this stuff in Germany, but for 55Euros per bottle (75$), instead of $20. Geez, where would you shop if you had a choice?

In case you're curious, the only things that cost less in Germany are groceries.

There are simply so many items we stock up on each time we visit, we bring extra suitcases. This time I think I'll only bring like one change of clothes, to save space in my bags for the stuff I need to buy.

What I am going to eat first: A Costco steak. Or a Costco Polish dog. I'm not sure which.

What I am going to drink first: Diet A&W. Then some Fresca. Then some Diet Mountain Dew. Some Deschuttes beer, Alaskan Amber...

What I miss, a lot: Red Vines, KC Masterpiece bbq potato chips, any chip with ridges, dipped in something, clam chowder, seafood, esp. salmon and crab, fruit leather (?!), teriyaki chicken, StoveTop Stuffing, cottage cheese with chives, Mexican food with real refried beans, pumpkin/seasonal flavored coffee, International Delight creamer for coffee (I can assure you they are NOT international), that red "bbq" chinese sliced pork that you dip in sesame seeds (?), Tillamook sharp/aged cheddar cheese, Orange sherbet ice cream, beef jerky, oh my....I can't wait: )

What my husband misses: Dark chocolate MnMs (the big bag), Costco itself, Dennys (!!), Pegasus Pizza on Alki, DAIRY QUEEN (like, anytime we pass one, we stop so he can get a blizzard), and Almond MnMs (the big bag). He also plans, as always, to geocache the heck out of Seattle with me: )


Tara said...

Have fun! $75 for mtg??? Good grief!
I have some, but I have not used it for the horses. I use it on the collie. He has had (while in WA) skin allergy issues.I don't know how much it has helped could just be the difference in climates.

So many places to shop from, I like dover,, chicks many lol...

AareneX said...

LOL at your list -- most of the food items I can't even eat (cuz I gotz a crazy metabolic thing)...but CLAM CHOWDER is green light. Wanna meet up at Ivar's???

American Trail Gear makes packs for the Specialized...and I think they use BLACK fleece (or they will, if you ask). Those ladies are the best.

It is funny to see you dissing the color white, since your biothane set is white :-)

AareneX said...

Oh, and look what just crossed my desk:

Nuzzling Muzzles said...

You live in Germany and look forward to coming to America for beer? Or just affordable beer? The good news is that more and more crab cake products are coming out that can be found on the supermarket shelves. I love those.

lytha said...

Tara, I'm not sure I want to order something without personal recommendation. We'll see.

Aarene, I love Ivars and eat the clam chowder every single ferry ride. It's getting really expensive though. My dad lives on the peninsula so I get my Ivars fix each trip over. (But not for the clams which I love.) Yah, I guess that is odd that I don't want any white on my pommel pack. It just looks so nappy after a few years. OK more like 10 years...

NM, I hate German beer. I have no idea why people say it's good. I have to leave my area to find a beer I like (the beer is very strictly regional here). That means I cannot get any beer I like at the grocery store in our town, nor any restaurant or bar. There is actually a reason German beer sucks. Back in 1516 they passed a "beer puritiy law" that says to be labelled beer, it is only allowed to have 3 ingredients: water, hops, and barley. Boring. Beer is very cheap here though. And good wine is wonderfully affordable.

Zoe said...

Is it legal to bring wormers back to Germany? It wouldn't be to bring them into the UK. At least here we don't need a vet to prescribe wormers.....YET.

How Sam Sees It said...

Have you tried sulfur based products on your horse? Be careful - if she is allergic she can have a very serious allergy to it. Try it on a very small area first and see what happens (google MTG allergy - scary!).

Anonymous said...

How is your kitty? I haven't seen you mention her in a while.

lytha said...

zoe, i've learned that shipping meds is not allowed, but carrying them on a plane is. so there must be a distinction between luggage and post. i won't make that mistake again. but this time i'm bringing 12 tubes of wormer with me....we'll see!

sam, i will be careful to test it first. thanks for that.

tina, thank you, mercer is great. she just learned, this week (today) how to use her new cat door. thank god cuz we need her to be able to do that when we're gone. my man and i took a walk tonight and she tried following us down our street! i waved my arms and clucked at her to move off and stop it, and that worked. thankfully a neighbor was coming toward us with two dogs, which also reinforced the notion to not follow us. she is our baby, our queen, and she tries to entice us out to the garden every day with her. when i get home and start throwing plums over the fence to the horse/donkey area, mercer plays "goalie" and tries to block the plums, it's so cute! she throws herself way up into the air to catch them. she's not the most affectionate cat, but the other day she lay on my man's lap as we watched a movie, a rare thing for her. life without her would be so empty. i hope she stays wary and protects herself out there, where she loves life.

Reddunappy said...

I bet you miss a lot from home! I cant even imagine!

Do they let you bring wormer back there? Maybe you dont want to tell me. LOL

Have a great trip back to the states! Hope this stupid gov shutdown is over soon.

Wish I was closer to Seattle so I could meet up with you!

I love MTG, I use it for all kinds of skin maladies on the horses too, rainrot, scratches. I have used it on Emmas mane, she doesnt like it though, LOL, always shakes her head, I kinda think it feels warm or something. Dont really know if it helped her mane grow, since it is still really short, LOL She has a beautiful tail, but not much mane, such are Appaloosas LOL MTG is really oily, so be prepared for that if you try some, and you have to shake it to mix it up before you use it. I think it smells like Desitine diaper ointment! LOL LOL

Ha and much to my husbands disappointment, I dont drink beer, so cant comiserate! LOL LOL Oh but PNW Clam Chouder!! Yum!!!

HHmstead said...

You'll head home weighing at least 50lbs. more than you do now with all that eating! :-) Hope you have a Blast!

Anonymous said...

Awww! That is so awesome!!! I knew she would win you over eventually! Cats have a way of doing that. I hope you have a blast when go home to visit!!

Shawna said...

I work for the company that makes Red Vines and would be happy to ship some to you. :-) Just let me know the address, and what kinds you like (red, black, cherry, grape; do you like sour candy?). My e-mail address is sabowin at the free e-mail provider that hollers like a cowboy might.

Achieve1dream said...

I'm finally caught up on all of your posts! Sorry I didn't comment on all of them like I normally do. It's taking me forever to get caught up with everyone. I'm glad everyone is well and that Mara is improving. You're doing so well with her. :D Have fun on your trip!!

Becky said...

Stock up on these while you're here:

If you mix them with half and half (or even better, whole whipping cream!) with your coffee, it tastes even better than international delight creamer - plus, they'll pack well.

PS: In about 6 months or so, once you've run out of fun American food, let's do an exchange :)

kbryan said...

How is your trip going? Are you satisfying all your culinary yearnings? Do you miss your critters? I am sure that they are missing you both. Have fun!