Monday, March 21, 2011

Baasha loses weight

What fun shedding season is. I figure Baasha has lost about 2 kilos of hair so far.

I made the mistake of wearing polarfleece the first time, I'll never do that again! I had to pick all those hairs off one by one cuz it's not my jacket.

Now I wrap myself up in a parka completely zipped and still have to empty my bra afterwards (ewww!).

I had done a deep foot cleaning on all 4 frogs and wanted to show you but it wasn't a good time.

I had also shampooed his tail twice and noticed it was touching the ground so I quickly snipped off the last 3 inches. I hate a tail touching the ground! I had also washed his fetlocks with soap and water to check for scratches. They have been shaved so I can monitor - I don't usually shave the hair until I see signs but March has been either frozen or dry, so we're good for now.

Poor Baasha really hates these shedding sessions and sometimes I think I deserved to be kicked for my rubber curry (grooma) attacks. I try to be gentle but there is just so much hair flying around. I think it's funny how even when I'm not grooming him, the hair flies off from the movement of walking around. When we take a walk I call it our breadcrumb trail, no way to get lost if we're leaving a trail of white behind us!

I'll be glad when it's over. In May..June?


Formerly known as Frau said...

Wow that is a lot! I had no idea horses shed so much!
Have a wonderful day!

Fantastyk Voyager said...

I am going through that exact same thing with Nadia. I have a bag full of hair and it seems endless. Annie and Yalla! are mostly shed out; they never really grew thick, long coats like Nadia and Scout. And shaggy Scout hasn't even begun shedding yet. It's so much fun, not!

Dreaming said...

Laughing! Oh what a joyful mess! Ach - fleece! I've done that before and years later I still find horse hairs embedded in the fuzz!
I hate when the hair gets in your mouth... and when you try to get one hair out, you end up with 15 more.

Funder said...

According to the Cat Shedding Scale, I'd estimate that as at least a bobcat of hair, possibly a lynx. WOW!

AareneX said...

Yup, I think you've got a whole extra pony of fur right there.

Mine are holding onto theirs for the moment, although I think Hana's blaze and socks are starting to shed. Fee holds her winter coat until the last possible moment...maybe it's a Canadian thing, eh?

Remember: no chapstick until shedding season ends! Also, no mascara.

Leah Fry said...

Jaz has already started to shed, but it's not nearly that bad. Maybe it's because it doesn't get as cold here (normally) as it does there. Daltrey still has his thick, wavy baby coat.

Rising Rainbow said...

Polar fleece is not a good thing for the barn. I have learned that the hard way. I hate picking off all those hairs and that really is the only way to get rid of them. LOL

My horses are not blowing that much hair yet. I thought we were getting to that place and the temps dropped and the hair quit falling.

Dom said...

My stupid horse doesn't shed til May :(

allhorsestuff said...

HA!! That is soo much hair..but then, it's the German version of shedding! Ooou,when I saw that fleece, knew it took some doing to get all the hairs off. Bet the birds that will be happy to visit your farm, about timely for nesting!

Wa, hating to be brushed on a non sheding day, minds not me using the "Slick and Groom" block. Good for the bots and mudd and shedding!
My favorite tool in the groom box..aside form the "pink" conditioner stuff!

Autumn Mist said...

Goodness, that's a lot of hair. Barnaby doesn't start shedding until very late so this winter I clipped him out completely and now I am so glad I did it. I have also made the mistake of clipping in a fleece top that I ended up throwing away - I normally do it in a waterproof jacket and trousers.

Achieve1dream said...

Wow! That is crazy. Chrome seems to take forever to shed. Maybe once he's gray he'll shed out really fast like that. :) Of course he doesn't get a horribly thick winter coat so I guess there is less to shed than Baasha. Hehe. He's such a cutie.

G in Berlin said...

Wow. That's an incredible amount of hair. It almost seems you should spin that and make a sweater out of it!

The Equestrian Vagabond said...

that's great! every spring, I think there must be SOMETHING useful I could do with all that hair!
- The Equestrian Vagabond