Wednesday, March 10, 2010

main() { printf("hello, world\n"); }

While riding patterns in a snowy field today, I had the idea to write something.

If you're any good with an Etch-a-Sketch, and your horse is flexible and responsive to the aids, you can have fun spelling in snow too!

You'll need a huge unblemished field of snow (and your flexible, responsive and patient horse).

HMMMM what shall I write...

Of course it has to be cursive. There is no way to pick your horse up off the "paper" to start a new letter.

I decided to write hello world*, the default phrase for any new platform.

Some of the letters were much harder than others. The W in particular. How do you do a W without lifting your "pencil"? The middle of the W required backing up in our tracks. Whew, that was rough!

The lowercase R turned out awesome, and required some 90 degree turns on the haunches.

The three Ls were really easy.

I was so pleased with the way it turned out, I decided to do an enormous star too.

Afterwards I remembered I had the Garmin on the saddle so I zoomed in. Sure enough, a star! Here is the pic of our tracks. Unfortunately the hello world did not turn out clearly on the Garmin, because I didn't have the settings fine enough. (It should have been set to record track every 2 seconds instead of 10 meters. But you can read it clearly in RL!)

Hm, I wonder what lunging looks like? Exactly what you'd expect, overlapping tracks and even lines from where Baasha cut across the middle trying to avoid an icy patch. Note the satellite reception was not accurate and placed us kind of next to the roundpen image.

Since our field is pristine (except for a rabbit track), I thought I should write a nice message there too, but by then Baasha was tired. It takes a lot of effort to do huge letters in snow. Maybe tomorrow. The snow is not going away anytime soon.

* - "Hello World" is the first program one usually writes when learning a new programming language. The first Hello World program appeared in chapter 1.1 of the first edition of Kernighan & Ritchie's original book about C, "The C Programming Language", in 1978 and read like this:

main() {
printf("hello, world\n");

Since then, Hello World has been implemented in just about every programming language on the planet.


Unknown said...

Haha...great idea! So your pencil is tired now? Give him some carots and blankets. Its so freaking cold over here, I think about moving to Florida. Or Kuba. Will you come with me?

Sherry Sikstrom said...

What fun! I have never thought to write letters in the snow with my horse , a good workout for both!

AareneX said...

That. Is. Hilarious!

Toooooooooo bad that our forecasted sn*w gave up after three leetle flakes (you don't think that me cussing at the sky had anything to do with that, do you?) and it's raining again.

Ah, well.

Funder said...

ROFL! I had no idea you were such a nerd, Lytha! I love it!

Crystal said...

I never thought of writing letters with the horses, but shoulda casue we always write in snow or sand with walking, Im gonna have to try that.

juliette said...

What a great idea. I don't think Pie would stand for such antics, but Sovereign would be an excellent writer/pencil!

Unknown said...

How poetic for that phrase to become adopted as a "birth" of a programmer.

Those geeks. :)

I can't believe you wrote in the snow with a HORSE.

This definitely makes you the coolest person in Germany. Period.

allhorsestuff said...

Oh How fun..and funny too!
You had me laughing with the trees landing some snowballs on your happy you got to!!!! And more power to the trees...they will keep you on your spooking now!
(PS. Breathe..she is the coolest American in Germany!!!)

Rising Rainbow said...

ROFL!!!! What can I say...... the thought just tickled me!

cdncowgirl said...

I'll admit, at first I thought you were joking! :)

Left you a little something at my blog, the post will be up Friday morning (Saskatchewan morning that is lol)

lytha said...

keia, i did! thank you: ) you made us both laugh.

oh, and flordia, cuz my man knows that it rains an awful lot there! i'd never seen such rain.

fernvalley, it is a complicated exercise, and if the snow is deep enough, a workout too!

aarene, i'm glad you liked it. today my neighbor said it will snow again this weekend. i said "no, no, no!"

funder, yes i am: ) i read the news from slashdot still -- i've even got the tshirt.

crystal, you need more space than a typical arena, so a field is perfect. try it!

juliette, do you have snow? i would love to hear how it goes with yours!

breathe, *blush*

kacy, i swear i spook as often as my horse. he has taught me.

risingrainbow, *grin* i'm glad you enjoyed it.

cdncowgirl, i had to tell my man your cheesewhiz joke, cuz he loves that stuff. and i always try to spell out omgosh so that people don't think i'm breaking one of the 10 commandments. thanks for the nice award!