Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Neglected bag

I have this supercool bowling ball bag. I got it at a thrift store, and the lady at the check stand was like "Oh, I wish I woulda seen that first!"

I don't really have a bowling ball, but apparently people who have their own ball, have a bag to carry it in. It makes sense.

This bag is so cool - it's so strong - it has a solid base with four little metal feet and the material is vinyl coated with a plaid material. Some of it has given way to age, but even the zipper still works if you want it closed. Somewhere out there is a key for that lock.

You can see I'm a Seattle Storm fan (Seattle's women basketball team), because the identity tag on the bag is a piece of fan swag.

You can see I'm a Trekkie cuz the sticker on the tag has the Enterprise on it. I just noticed that under Name: it says Lytha. Tja, that's me: )

The other side of the bag shows that it rode over on the Boeing 747 cargo plane with me and my horse, because all crew members had to place tags on their bags. I felt pretty cool getting a "CREW" tag. I think maybe Lisa at Laughing Orca has had a lot of crew tags on her stuff.

Anyway, the point of this bag --- I used it for several years to carry my riding clothes to the barn. On riding days, I'd put my boots, breeches, and tshirt in this bag, and put it in my Civic for after-work riding. Even when I came to Germany, I had the bag for changing from riding clothes to work clothes. No more. Those days are over.

My horse is home. My closet is my bowling ball bag.

I still love this bag. It needs a job. But the pleasure of not needing it it so great!


sahara4d said...

Hi! Hope you and your hubby are having a great vacation. How many watermelons have you eaten? LOL!!

AareneX said...

Now the bag's job is to carry treats for your horse home from Seattle to Germany!!!

Jason said...

You look rapturous staring at the crackers !! LOL !! I'm in the same kind of ecstasy when I spot my first Tim Hortons after crossing the Canadian border !! LOL again !!

Unknown said...

That is an insanely cool bag. I'm keeping an eye out for one.

Course you could take up bowling.

Laughing Orca Ranch said...

That is a lovely bag...and so useful. What a wonderful find at a thrift store. Reminds me that I really need to start doing some thrift store shopping now that hubby's been jobless for over 5 weeks now. Gotta curb the spending...but still have fun. And it's so fun saving money, eh?

I forgot that you knew I was an airline employee for over 14 years, before my kidlets were born. Good memory on your part! Hubby retired from USAirways so we have lifetime free flying benefits now.
Except now we have all the kids, critters and not enough time to organize and plan trips that require flying.

One day....and I may have to check and see if we can fly to Germany, too. *wink-wink* Hubby has always wanted to go back to his roots one day and visit Westphalia.
