Monday, April 27, 2009

Warning: Vicious dog lives here!

Haiku Farm has the coolest sign on their gate:
The colors and font make it a friendly sign, but with a warning of the seriousness of escaped Shetland Sheepdogs.

I thought, Oh, I wish we had a cool sign that makes people giggle as they walk by.

But wait, we do! I'd forgotten. It's written in such tiny font, it's easy to pass up, but the message it holds is foreboding...

...and I think, hilarious.

Translation for English speakers:

CAUTION: Loose dog!
If the dog comes, immediately lay flat on the ground and wait for help. If no help comes, good luck!


(We have no other pets here besides Baasha.)


Leah Fry said...

Shh! Don't tell people there's no dog! Let them wonder.

lytha said...

Leah, good idea, except that since we have no dog, we hardly ever shut our gate! *gasp*

AareneX said...

This is hysterical!!!!

Now you need to GET a dog. I'm thinking a teacup poodle would be just about perfect to go with the sign.

allhorsestuff said...

(((HAHAHA)))Thatn is so balsted funny! If one could not read's still a fun looking sign!

Laughing Orca Ranch said...

lol! That's cute...and fun that the previous owners left that for you. :)
