Sunday, April 14, 2019

How many tries?

I'm curious how many attempts you get in America to pass a medic exam. Internet search came up with 3, then a remedial course, then 3, then you must take the class again. So, 6? (Apparently you can re-take with 15 days between, I had to wait 30 by law but the re-take was not available until 60 days had passed.)

Also the bar exam and the medical boards, it would seem you get 6 tries. Is that correct?

If I had 6 tries, wow.

In my own language, that would be great.

J just told me that no first-responder agency in Germany would offer this any differently, because all of them comply to the same standard, it's a government test).  I cannot just switch to the German Red Cross and hope they offer me more options. idea. 


J and I are both sick (with colds) at the same time, for the first time. I blame the germ-factory he works at, not him. It's so weird to be sharing packs of tissues and pots of tea and just hanging together on the couch all day, day after day, coughing and sneezing and feeling miserable. He's 2 days ahead of me so he's past the worst of it.

It SNOWED off and on the last two days so going outside to feed/clean was ridiculous because the wind was buffeting my ears painfully, it was 3C. What can you do, when you keep horses at home, and you're sick, you're out in the snow.

My nose doesn't work. So when I picked some lovage from the greenhouse, I thought it was bad lovage cuz normally it has a powerful smell. J assured me it does smell. I had to have him check my bay leaves too. Then he had to tell me I was smoking up the house with a greasy pan in the oven. He was in the living room, door closed, and I was sitting here next to the oven. Mag was afraid of me when I went out to give him an apple, backing away, cuz I stunk like smoke. OK then, something new about Mag. Don't smell weird and expect him to be chill.

I'm gonna go to the pharmacy tomorrow and hold up my 10-year expired Sudofed box and say, "More please" though there is virtually no chance Germany gives that stuff over the counter. ACC is not helping.

I must say, though, this is nothing compared to that sinus infection I had last year, where I thought I was bleeding out of all my head orifices.


Question for you guys, what does it mean when a horse gallops around, seemingly for fun (no reason that I could find), one end of the pasture to the other in giant loops, nickering/vocalizing breathily the entire time? Baasha used to do it, and Mag does it too. Soft nickers, not neighs. The donkey was grazing in the middle of the loops, ignoring him.


Nat D said...

Being sick is the worst! I love freshly grated ginger tea with lots of lemon. And anything that will knock me out.

Maybe Mag is calling out for friends and wants to have a party? Or maybe he is showing off to the donkey? 😁

AareneX said...

So sorry you feel sick. Tell J you need to cook lots of garlic. I have no idea if it actually helps (research??) but sometimes it's the only thing I can taste when I'm sick!

Mag: maybe for the same reason that Fox runs down to the fence by the barn and up to the fence by the road barking all the way? "Because they can."

AareneX said...

Is this the equivalent of EMT? Or paramedic? The rules here in Washington are different for each....

lytha said...

It would seem my rescue assistant certification is the equivalent of EMT. The one I failed is the equivalent of paramedic (which involves poking people with needles).

However when I look these terms up in my dictionary, the title I was attempting comes up as BOTH EMT and paramedic. Bad dictionary! (The one I failed is called Rettungssanitaeter.) I just looked it up in another dictionary and got the same result - both emt and paramedic! WTH.

I like "Ambulance Man" - *lol*