Cavallo magazine is a nice German all-around horse magazine ( . They do monthly visits to riding stables and judge them based on the horses’ health, the trainer’s ability, and the overall riding lesson experience. I find these critiques fascinating. Once they found a stable that still employs tie-stalls, and the owner said “Those horses are in training for trailering.” Omgosh, if that isn’t a stupid lie. I think trailering training actually involves trailers!
So I was really interested to find a review of a stable that I had reviewed myself in the last year. It’s a DQHA stable near my home called Horsefield ranch. (Western stables try to have “cool” American names.) Here's their site: The trainer/owner of this place was such an egotistical, sexist jerk, I won’t go back there. I watched an entire lesson where he made a lady ride her Quarter Horse in circles at the lope, bent to the outside, spurring the horse continually. That horse had such a miserable experience.
The trainer hooted/whistled when the lady riding took off her jacked and was wearing only a tank top. He mentioned something about her boobs. No way was I gonna get on a horse in front of this guy! He also made a rude comment about another Western trainer in our neighborhood who I know. He said, “Oh she slept with a cowboy once and she thinks she’s a Western trainer.” OK then.
Here's his picture from the homepage of his website.
Cavallo judged Horsefield ranch fairly, noting the horses’ health and such, but I had to laugh when I got to the evaluation of the trainer. He told the evaluator lady, “Oh, you don’t need to wear a helmet with my horses – my horses are all well trained!” She was pretty shocked by that attitude, and I have to say it’s familiar. Wasn’t it Pat Parelli who said you don’t need a helmet if your horse is well trained?
Anyway I’ll keep reading this magazine. It’s pretty good.
They recently had an article where someone using Rollkur and keeping the horse in a stall was punished with a 150E fine. Lack of turnout, rollkur, and lack of contact with other horses is punishable by law. The Animal Welfare Regulation states that non-working horses get 2 hours of turnout per day, which could put large stables with many stallions out of business. We’ll see about that. When I see a photo like this one of Anky, given the chance, I'd want to ask her, "Do you even like horses?"
That reminds me, Totilas was in our little local paper last week. The headline was “Totilas is just a horse.” It was an interview with his trainer. I love that horsey stuff is news in Germany.
After soring Tennessee Walkers, I think Rollkur is the next most serious abuse that I know about. There may be others, but I cringe when I see a picture like the one in your post.
Is it all branding that's going to be illegal? For instance the traditional "burned" brand is what I'm guessing is illegal (and should be for horses, their hide is NOT as tough as a cows!) but will they still allow freeze branding?
I believe the Parellis say they don't need helmets because they focus on the horse's behaviour issues so therefore they are in no danger (YEAH right **eyeroll** because I guess only horses with behaviour problems stumble or trip)
I happen to have a couple tie stalls in my barn (it came that way when we bought our place) I often put a horse in there if they only need a bit of time cooling out. And I did happen to use it to help trailer train the colts. I'd put them in the tie stall with yummies in the manger while I puttered around the barn. That way they got used to being in a smaller space.
They really don't crop ears or dock tails over there? I had no idea! I'm trying to picture a Doberman w/o the ears, and my STD Poodle with a long tail. Weird!
I despise that Rollkur- I don't care who she is, if that's how she trains her horse I don't think she can ride-definately not a horseman. IMHO anyway:)
I'm surprised the freeze marking isn't more common--it's practically painless and much easier. I admit that I think Fiddle's tatt looks awesome. But you told me once that Baasha is probably the only freezemarked horse in Germany! So strange....
dan, i'm so glad that this is being punished now!
cdn, i had those questions too and i'll keep asking around but hot branding is the only type of branding that occurs here nowaways, so the law did not mention tattooing or freeze branding.
cg, absolutely no cropping and docking! it's so odd to see cocker spaniels with long tails, and yeterday i saw an aussie with a long tail. our next door neighbor has a "natural" boxer and i'm finally used to that breed's german look. doberman...i've never seen a doberman in germany! if you see a dog with a docked tail, it most likely came from another country because this was outlawed in the 80s.
aarene, i think the hot branding is almost as painless, from the videos i've seen. i agree with you that freezebrands are cool. i wonder how i'll feel about this in 10 years. probably that i was unenlightened.
Sounds like my kind of magazine! That cowboy guy LOOKS like a pig.
I remember reading this when it was published: Microchipping vs branding
I think branding looks worse than it feels for the horse.
Microchipping - I know that cats have a slightly higher incident of sarcoma at microchip injection sites. But that's just cats, not dogs or horses, as far as I know.
Um okay I have to disagree about branding . . . that looks absolutely excruciating and I can just not fathom how that can be painless!!!! Even if it's not as painful as it appears it still has to be painful. Of course I'm a total wimp with no pain tolerance so maybe I'm projecting. *shudder* I'm sure the microchipping needle is painful too, but it wouldn't last as long as a burn!
I didn't know lack of turnout, isolation and rollkur were actually punishable by law in Germany! That's great! I know a lot of people in the U.S. think that if we adopt these laws that it's infringing on our rights and our free choice, but when it's the welfare of living, breathing animals at stake I don't care about some idiot's rights. It's abuse regardless of if it's a human or an animal! I've wished for a long time they would make it illegal to crop/dock here (if everyone could watch ears getting cropped in person they would agree). I hadn't really thought of branding before because I'm not really around anyone who does it, but I agree with banning it too. :)
Wow, that "trainer" sounds like a few bosses I've had!!! Yuck!
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