Thursday, March 29, 2012

Stolpersteine and other German things

I've been so busy I've not had time to blog or comment much, but I'm taking a week off next week so I should have more time for this. (Gratuitous Arabian photo taken by a friend of mine.)

This morning on the radio they said, "The United States have.." aha, I guess I didn't catch this until now that they refer to the USA in the plural. Scissors, glasses, jeans are all singular though  ("My glasses is lost.")

I wanted to mention that there is no word in German for boarding horses. In English we have a specific word for it but in German they have to say, "I keep my horse at a riding stable." Imagine all the sentences I've been unable to formulate. "I sure don't miss boarding." and "How much is board here?" because whenever I asked what the word is, I never got a good answer. The German language is full of very specific words for things where we use sentences, but sometimes I find the opposite is true.

I forgot to mention when I was at that last Arabian farm, they called the horse 4 years old even though he was 3 and wouldn't be 4 til Spring. Like racehorses, they call them a year older in January.


In my horse magazine this month there is an article on vaccinations and worming. Good, I've been wondering what is commonly accepted here. It seems to align with what my vet says. There are only 4 vaccines for horses in Germany. Tetanus, Rabies, Rhino (Herpes) and Flu. Tetanus is every 2 years, Rabies yearly, and Herpes/Flu every 6 months.

Notice all the mising vaccines? Interesting huh?

Worming in this magazine is more often than most people subscribe to here, but here goes: Spring--Ivermectin, Moxidectin, or Pyrantel, on rotation. Summer, same. Fall, same. Winter, same with Praziquantal.  When I talk to people about worming they mostly say they worm twice yearly.

I see no Bendazoles on this list but I can get it here and I do. I do not use Moxidectin, and now I wonder how widespread its use is.


I want to talk about Stolpersteine, which I see every day when I walk around Cologne.

Stolpersteine are little golden plaques installed into sidewalks engraved with the names of the people killed by the Nazis. These are controversial because many people do not want to be reminded of the atrocities every day when they step out of their homes. The plaques are installed in front of where the deported people lived. It's really sad and I always try to read the names and see how old they were and what concentration camp they were sent to.

I took a few pics of a new one that was installed recently directly in front of my office building. Obviously the home they lived in was destroyed in the war, because it's an office building now.

Stolpersteine are not limited to Cologne, but they are sure numerous there. Just about every block has one or two.

They all say "Here lived..." then the name, etc of the victim.

The cool thing is anyone can sponser a Stolperstein, for 120E, if you know any victim of Nazism who doesn't already have one. There are 30,000+ Stolpersteine in Europe. Here is the Stolperstine website.


Dan and Betty said...

Interesting about the plaques. I can see both sides on having them there.

Thanks for broadening my world.


Tara said...

I don't remember seeing those. I think that is good though.
I wonder if the wounds from the wars will ever heal over?

Oak Creek Ranch said...

Those little plaques are interesting and neat. When I was looking for a new horse, the Hanoverian I liked was 3 but they told me 4 because he was going to turn 4 that year. So, it happens here too. Of course, the seller and trainer were Gerrman...

Lana said...

I'm so glad you shared this. I didn't see any of this during my time in Germany in the mid to late 1980's. This is a good way to honor those who were mistreated and extinguished. They were Germans.


Reddunappy said...

Thats really interesting about the Stolpersteine plaques. No one should forget how atrocious WW1 and WW2 were.
Funny about no "boarding" word.
LOL how about a word for horse "hotel" LOL LOL
Challanging learning a new culture!!

Laughing Orca Ranch said...

Fascinating stuff! Thanks for sharing it with us.


White Horse Pilgrim said...

A few years ago I stayed in a hotel in Oradea / Grosswardein / Nagyvarad (three names are common in Central Europe) whose original owner had been dragged out into the street and shot for refusing to serve a Nazi officer. But not every country commemorates these things. Good on Germany for doing so. Perhaps these memorials will one day be installed across Europe? There was no shortage of recruits to the SS from Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, Hungary, Romania, the Ukraine...

Perhaps there should be a huge plaque in Detoit too. For years Henry Ford financially supported the Nazi Party...

Crystal said...

I like those plaques, reminds us what happened and hopefully wont again.

All Quarter horses and Paint horses (and thoroughbreds I think) are a year older on Jan 1 as well here, for show reasons anyways.

Ruthlynn said...

Howdy from Missouri,
Thank you for posting the Stolpersteine plaques. There is a movement to deny the Holocaust ever happened worldwide. I am glad to see you show these.
Also, if you want a care package sent from Missouri, please contact me.

Achieve1dream said...

I'd be so lost over there. I've tried several times to learn and new language and I'm just hopeless at it lol.

Those plaques are interesting. :) Thanks for sharing!