Sunday, November 6, 2011

New tack shop

We have a lot of horsey shops around here and Saturday was the opening of a long-awaited tack shop called (translated) "The Horse Crazy." Cool name huh? It's the closest one yet, about .5 mile away with not a single traffic signal between us.

Isabel works there (she's the neighbor girl who farmsits for us) and brought me a mug of coffee as I browsed the very expensive items with my husband. They also had champagne and bratwurst. The place was packed, we had to park way down the street. Everyone is excited about a fancy new tack shop! I saw some pony party people all with mugs in hand, but they were in such an intense conversation I just waved at them. Isabel will be working just a couple hours on Saturdays at Horse Crazy as she's in the middle of her vocational studies. It was really nice to talk to her again, and I told her to keep her eyes open for Arabians for sale.

We met the owner named Uwe and he asked if I was the one who emailed him a while back asking if they knew any horses for sale. He knew who I was just cuz it's a small town and I'm the only American. (This photo is taken from the newspaper from an article about Equitana vendors.)

He was happy to talk to us both in English in German about their products. I was interested in the Mountain Horse (from Sweden) brand parka (Legacy model) but they were only selling the ones with lining. They are really nice and supposedly waterproof for 10 years.

Although they have snaps in the back which open up and let you drape the back of the coat over your saddle, it doesn't seem like it would actually cover much. Compare Aarene's new raincoat which comes halfway down her thigh, hers will cover your butt and saddle while riding, but I'm not sure about the Mountain Horse Legacy.

Price: 289Euros (398$!!) - no way on Earth, but they are seeing if they can get a non-lined one for me. I really like Aarene's Muddy Creek jacket even without the indispensable pit zippers, but we'll see what they come up with at Horse Crazy.

As we were "shopping" (touching the fancy expensive stuff I'd never be wealthy enough to buy), I came across a bunch of argyle socks which are so popular with riders now.

The sign said 3 for 12E, and I told my husband in English, "These are the ugliest trend in riding I've seen in years" before I realized the girl behind him was wearing them.

Oops. Good thing I wasn't talking German. I explained to my man that we used to wear tall socks over our breeches UNDER our show boots to keep the breeches from riding up. At some point the people switched to paddock boots and kept the tall socks. Do you have this trend in your area? The online catalog images I've stolen here don't portray how tacky they look in RL.

Here's a mare for sale I'm inquiring about and the kid riding her is wearing them.

I see them on ladies at the grocery store often. They're really cute socks, but over breeches looks tacky to me. I hope it's not a worldwide phenomenon. To protect our calves from English leathers we used to wear tall boots, then half chaps, and now socks?

I see a new bay mare for sale (shown above) and I wrote her owner asking for a pic of her standing so I can see her legs and hooves. I got back 4 photos showing hooves only. Very nice, but not precisely what I asked to see. I asked again, we'll see if he can deliver. I don't really know how to say "conformation photo" in German, and I don't know if sellers really know what this means.

Many sellers seem to be pretty ignorant. Example: This is advertised as a purebred Arabian.


Mikey said...

That last horse, lol! It's so different in Germany. I find it charming though :) People are funny no matter where you go.

Crystal said...

New tack shop is awesome!!! We dont have any close by here, about an hour to the nearest one, which is probly better or Id be there all the time, lol.

Anonymous said...

Wow, I didn't know there were leopard spotted arabians LOL!

Mellimaus said...

I agree--tacky! Here we wear tall socks over breeches, but *under* our paddock boots and half chaps; you don't see them!
And LOL about that last photo!

Funder said...

Now I don't feel so bad about the fashion disasters of endurance! Those socks are heinous.

Love the purebred Arabaloosa. :rolleyes:

Laughing Orca Ranch said...

Wow. Germany has such unusual looking "pure-bred Arabians" lol!

I abhor those argyle socks. beh!
Whenever I see or hear the word argyle, I immediately think of gargoyles.

Pretty accurate comparison, IMO.


Melissa-ParadigmFarms said...

Those socks are too funny. I LOL'ed at the last horse!

Formerly known as Frau said...

Fun socks for the young....not my style! I hope you find a good horse the last picture is quite interesting....
Have a great week!

Leeshh said...

The sock craze is big in Australia. Horrid. I don't think I could force myself to wear those, even if it IS the 'latest fashion'. Bleck!

AareneX said...

I want GARGOYLE socks! I will wear them on my hands. And my ears.

Because I am an endurance rider and have no fashion sense whatsoever.

cdncowgirl said...

I like the socks, but not worn in that manner.

Got a giggle at the purebred Arabian :)

Not sure if this is right, but according to babelfish conformation photo translates to Anpassungfoto.

Unknown said...

I'm not crazy about the wild socks either, we have a trend (non horse related) of mismatched long socks. Which is helpful, in terms of laundry, but challenging on the eyes. Like that "Arab"...

Ruth said...

Haven't seen the socks in eastern Washington yet. I would think that if you rode in them for any significant amount of time your leathers would shred them!

It is possible (if only JUST possible) that you are looking at a purebred parti-colored arabian:

But I really, really doubt it. :)

Laura said...

Gotta love a new tack shop! Those Mtn Horse coats look really nice...too bad they are so pricy there.

The socks are popular here, but 99% of people wear tall boots or half-chaps over them while riding. I do see them alot when people are at the tack shop or en route to go riding. I kinda like argyle myself, but would only wear them if I was putting chaps on over top!

Dreaming said...

How funny that you made a derogatory comment about the socks when the girl behind you was wearing them. Now, that's something I would do!!
Since I don't ride around other people very often, I don't get to see what they wear or what's in fashion. I do find it funny that someone pushes a style, even in riding, that all of those that feel they must 'belong' then follow. It even happens with tack. I guess that keeps the shops open!
I bought a coat that had a velcro flap to go over the saddle. I thought it was the coolest thing ever. But, in reality, found that I didn't need to use the flaps. The back of the coat naturally went behind the saddle and not under my butt. I guess that's because I like my jackets to be large enough to be able to wear sweaters under them. I guess if the jacket had been tighter across my hips, then I would have made use of the flap.

Kitty Bo said...

The little mare looks nice. I hope it works out for you to go see her.

Well, on craigslist, you can find all kinds of "pure bred" horses. I wonder if he's part Khabstupper?

And lastly, I read the blog entry that you mentioned. Very sad. :-(((

Anonymous said...

Personally, I love colourful, knee-high socks, but it would drive me nuts to wear them over breeches. When I'm riding, I wear paddock boots, regular-length socks, & half-chaps. Reminds me of one of Tack of the Day's recent items, though: socks w/ pleather patches on the inside

Ruth: Last I heard, Trabag was considered a "manchado", which is a very rare pinto pattern that AFAIK is due to environmental factors rather than genetic ones. She definitely was not Appaloosa spotted. Any "Arab" with Ap spots definitely isn't purebred! ^_^