First we bought the field. Joerg wanted to be sure that field was in our hands before purchasing the house. That went smoothly. I can't say it went smoothly for the house seller. He was missing a particular document that was necessary, and he swore he'd never received it. I thought he'd have a heart attack right there, he was so stressed. He got up, ran across the street to the bank, which had just closed. He panicked. He rescheduled our appt today for 6 pm, and he raced home to look for it.
How would we kill the 2 hours? Well, of course! Let's go check out our new field! I walked the perimeter, pushing on fence posts, calculating how I'd refence the area safely. Then Joerg called me. Mr. S had found the paper! Back to the lawyer we went.
In the end, Mr. S shook my hand and said, "Congratulations Frau Wassermann, you'll like living in our home."
They invited us over for tea and cookies, and get this, even though we won't be living there til March (things take longer here), they said I'm welcome to come over and start building a fence and fixing up the barn after Christmas. WOO! I was soooo happy to hear that! Just sitting around thinking about fences and mud-free solutions is no good, I want to do it! They will even help me - they have tools and a cement mixer and know a person to buy fence posts from much less expensive than in the fencing shops.
I'm totally totally happy. Joerg was so nervous, I kept holding his hand.
We have a house! And a field: ) And 3 trout ponds, good grief, I have to learn about trout.
As a bonus, they told us that they won't need any of their garden tools, their lawn mower, ladder, wheelbarrow, anything to do with the ponds and gardens, they're leaving them to us. Well that's good, cuz we don't have any of those things, being apartment people.
Mrs. S said, "I think you should put a window in the barn so the horse can stick his head through and look at the house. We'll help you build it."
I just sat there blinking, grinning, that sounds wonderful! They drove to the north sea tonight to go look at homes, they're sick of living in this hilly region. They just needed the paperwork to begin their final home search. They're so happy. So are we.
I can't believe it, it's ours!
Awesome how everything fell into place, and it sells like the sellers are wonderful people! It's great that you can get started on fencing etc, then hopefully the wait to move in will be more bearable than if you were just twiddling your thumbs :)
Meant to say sounds like the sellers are wonderful people, of course ;)
How exciting for you both, errr wait you three! (have to include Baasha of course)
Wow that is such good news, and almost beyond belief how they are are being so terrific - leaving you some tools and equipment, thinking of your horses. I thought about you off-n-on day today and was hoping it would all come together. Woo Hoo!
Congratulations! I'm so pleased for you.
Congratulation on your new home! It will he nice having your horse at home with you again. I sure would miss mine if they werent home with me.
Oh My GOSH!!!!! This is SOOO EXCELLENT!!!!!!
Happy Home Making to you both! Congratulations Lytha!!!! How wonderful- and what could be a better Christmas gift?????
Sounds like Mr. and Mrs. S. are wonderful people too. From the things they said, I probably would have been in tears of happiness!!!
What a grand adventure ahead for all you guys!! WHoooHOOOOO!!!
We were hoping for an update and we read it together... so happy for you guys!
Merry Christmas!!
OMG!!!! I am so happy for you guys!!!
Will this be the first time that Baasha gets to live you and vice versa??
Such wonderful news!!!
I'm almost as thrilled as you!
that is the most wonderful Christmas present ever!!
thanks you guys: ) it is our first place, and my first chance to live with my horse. i've always promised him someday, before he dies, i'll be the one to feed him breakfast every day and dinner every night.
mrs mom, i think i'll cry when they actually give us the keys!
sonja, you get to be our house/horse/trout sitter when we go to america. you game? you get use of the yellow car of course: )
of course i will be your house/ trouts and horse sitter...
that will be fun!
i'm game for that. :-)
How Exciting!!!
So awesome...It is beautiful. What cool people to buy the house from...adding a window for you. Very cool.
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