Yesterday for about 2 minutes, Baasha glared. He pouted. He made such an unhappy face, I have never seen a grouchy face like that on my horse outside of a split second when you give him a shot or something that hurts. The barn owner was standing next to his head, talking to me as I crouched at Baasha's feet, scrubbing the mud off his ankles, trying to uncover the scratches so I could treat them. I wasn't having much luck, his pasterns were pretty damp, so my brushing was pretty ineffective. I was talking to the barn owner, and at some point I realized Baasha was making a grouchy face. You know, ears pulled slightly but purposefully back, and nose wrinkled. It was like he was seething mad at us, telling us "stop it...." but what? Barn owner said, "Look at your horse, he's mad about something!" I said "What is that face!? This doesn't hurt! I'll give you something to be mad about!"
A moment later he was done, I was brushing the mud from his forelock rhthmically witha soft brush, and his face relaxed and the barn owner said, "Oh, look, he LOVES that!" and I peeked down to get a look at his eyes, and sure enough, he looked blissful.
What was that bad attitude about? Is he really sick of my constant messing with his feet and ankles? I got the feeling that he didn't like what we were talking about, like he disapproved of our conversation. But that's crazy talk. He can't understand German. Hm.

This is the grandchild of the lady who feeds in the morning. She's just old enough to know that I talk funny, but not old enough to really grasp why.
Horses can be amazingly "tuned in." Maybe he did hear something he found annoying!
I know it might be a huge pain in the tush to try to get these, but you might give them a go to keep his legs dry and free of mud...
Well, scratches can make the skin tender... maybe he was just saying he was a bit touchy?
Poor bugger...
Please give him a big rub from us here! Sure hope those legs clear up fast for him.
Sometimes horses will get sick and tired of things we have to do (such as rebandage injuries or treat scratches) even though it doesn't *really* hurt.
So Baasha could just be getting tired with having his legs messed with.
since he only has scratches on one ankle, and i wasn't at that ankle when he glared, i think he's just psychologically "done" with all my fussing.
or, he wanted to tell us how much he disagreed with our conversation, but didn't have the words. or it could be he doesn't like the barn owner! she was at his head at the time. fascinating. if only he could talk. *sigh*
tara, that is a very interesting mud-fix you've pointed me to. do you have any personal experience with those?
Maybe he was trying to figure out why you talk so differently now??? LOL!!!!
I love your comment about the little girl. I can just imagine the look on her face, as she is trying to figure out just what it is about you that she can't put a finger on!
How is the house thing coming along???
I am afraid I haven't any experiance with them.
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