I was tagged to say a few personal (non-horsey?) things about myself.

1.) My online name lytha is from a Mercedes Lackey book. ML writes about sentient horses. Are there any other fantasy authors who do this? I miss reading books like that. You can look at my interests lists in my profile to see other books/tv/movies I love.

But the short story is, I'm a Trekkie. 'Specially NextGen: )

2.) I have had more jobs than I can remember at any given time. Including temp jobs, I have done so many different things. I've been a private nurse's aid, a data entry slave, I've driven carriage horses in downtown Seattle (scary scary!!), I've been a personal care assistant for handicapped people (feeding, bathing, and dressing them every day), I've cut the fat off beef jerky for OhBoyOberto (that was actually a nice job, except someone played KUBE all day long), I've worked at a St. Bernard kennel cleaning poop, and a grooming shop bathing dogs (fun!), I was a barista (espresso) in the U district, I filled donuts til they exploded at Dunkin Donuts, and my latest, favorite job: working as a Technical Writer for software firms. We'll see if I can manage to do that in Germany (so far no luck). (The photo is my hometown. I've only ever lived in Seattle before 2007.)

3.) I have had more cars than most people, I think, cuz I got my first car at 16. Let's see: Pontiac, Volvo, K car, Subaru, Accord, Civic, Ibiza, and Chevy trucks (2). You already know the story about my horse trailers: ) I can say with total confidence that if you drive a Honda, your chances are when you turn the key, it will start for you. If you drive a Volvo, on the other hand, you can enjoy looking at it, touching it, polishing it, but probably not driving it. Strangely, even though I've been driving since 1987, I only learned to drive a stick in 2000. I was very bad at it at first, as you can imagine. I still never use the clutch to slow a car down. That's what the brakes are for. (The truck pictured is my Silverado. It's for sale if anyone in the PNW needs a horse truck. Now would be a very good time for us.)

4.) Watermelon is my favorite God-made food, and Doritos are my favorite man-made food. I can eat gummi bears til I'm sick, and then I'll eat some more. I live in Haribo land, and I usually don't buy gummi bears, cuz I'll just eat them til I OD and still want more. My favorite cuisines are Thai and Indian. But we don't eat out much. (The picture is me in a hotel somewhere on the east coast on our honeymoon this year. Of course I wouldn't cut open a watermelon on my own bed!)

5.) I'm more German than German. I wash my car every week, sometimes more. And since washing a car on the street (driveway) is illegal in Germany, the local do-it-yourself car wash gets a lot of our money. But I've learned how to wash that car so fast I only spend 3.50 Euros per wash. This week I had to spray 6 inches of snow off the car to wash it. At that point I knew I was a little nuts. It was dirty again that evening - there's snow everywhere still. *sigh* (Picture is me compulsively washing my truck this summer before, or was that the after our 3 day Olympic peninsula roadtrip? I couldn't drive it dirty, and I couldn't return it dirty to its waiting spot at my dad's house!)

6.) I'm a Bible-reading Christian, and happy to have a Christian man. I never thought I'd find one, I just had to go a lot further away than I thought to find him. (Picture is of Joerg sitting outside the New York City Public Library, taking a break from Geocaching.)
Enough about Lytha.
Awww.....thanks for sharing all of that with us!!! I would probably go crazy if I had to listen to KUBE all day too...lol!!!
You and your hubby make a cute couple! Sorry that you have to miss Thanksgiving today! I will think of you while I am gorging myself...teeheehee!!!
About those Christmas markets...I remember going to those when we lived in Germany, and yes, I will be jealous!!!
Happy Thanksgiving sissie!!!!!!!!!!!!
We love you and miss you!!!!
You can be Thankful wherever you are. :) :)
thanks for playing along with the "About Yourself" post.
I love that Seattle photo.
Happy Thanksgiving anyway. You know you can always cook a turkey and impress the neighbors!
re: sentient horses in books
You did know that the sentient dragons in Anne McCaffrey's DragonThingie series are actually based on horses, right? She's an Irish horsewoman in real life.
Aarene @ the library
books with horses are better than books with other animals based on horses: )
but who knows, maybe she gets a wider readership with dragons cuz horses are just so mundane.
it really annoyed me when mercedes lackey switched to writing about birds and gryphons. *sigh* oh well.
so, what are you writing about?
~lytha (gryphon name)
Try the "Dun Lady's Jess" series about a horse who is transformed into a woman and doesn't like it. But, like The Last Unicorn, when one becomes human, it's hard to go back (you might like that one as well, the Unicorn is disguised as a horse at one point).
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