Thursday, November 3, 2022


The old man who suffered a stroke 3 years ago still walks our hill every day and waves and greets Mag. He loves Mag. 3 times per week his wife Simone joins him. 

Recently Simone asked if it's OK if Hartmut gives Mag some snacks. Of course! I just wanted to show them which snacks are best, so I saved up a while. 

Today was the day and I had a big bag of carrots, apples, bananas and 8 slices of bread that I'd dried overnight on the radiator. 

As they made their daily trek by my house, I stopped them, "Hey Hartmut, I have something for you!" and gave him the sack. He was overjoyed!

As we made our way to the pasture along the street, Simone said that he really needs this today, his cousin died in a surfing accident in Austria today.

I said, "IN Austria?" Yes, they surf in rivers there like they do in Munich!

I guess people surf in rivers everywhere.

Harmut was so happy, as Mag made "giraffe" faces/poses to beg for treats, and how Bellis cleaned everything up that Mag bit into in tiny bites. 

His wife was so happy. I should have done this 2 years ago. 

I told them if I'm not there, to whistle for them, they'll come. Simone said, "They usually come to us anyway." 

Well that's great.

I am so thrilled that these good neighbors can find happiness in giving treats, and not just Hartmut waving hello to Mag. 

Ever since Hartmut had a stroke and moved to the nursing home Mag has been very special to him - his wife said he has a photo of a filthy Mag on his nursing home wall!!! Oh my. 

Today she said, "Oh no, I should have brought my camera, this is so wonderful to see."

Hartmut had a great experience and I hope his wife brings him horse treats regularly (in the nursing home he cannot horde food, so his wife would have to bring bread and carrots). 

I'm so happy this worked out so well. If  Mag can make a senior citizen happy on a daily basis...


Blondie said...

I've been reading your blog for a long time and recently rediscovered it! May I ask are you still riding Mag? You don't seem to write much about your riding adventures like you used to. Hope you is well!

Shirley said...

Mag as therapy horse. Love it!
It's wonderful how such a simple thing as visiting a horse can give so much peace and pleasure.

Blondie said...

Hope *all is well

lytha said...

Blondie, 2 years ago my riding partner, due to her mental illness, told me she didn't want to be friends anymore. I don't feel comfortable riding Mag alone or in traffic. Recently my riding partner begged my forgiveness and asked if we could be friends but I had to tell her that she was correct when she said we shouldn't be. She was not experienced enough to be safe (she took us into a boar hunt and left me alone on numerous occasions). I rode with her twice weekly for years and it was never fun. Now I have no one so Mag's on an extended break.

Shirley, he's not Beamer, who actually could be a therapy horse, in a hospital even, I'm sure! I guess you could say he's a therapy horse - as long as he's on the other side of the fence *lol*

JenK said...

What Joy! Glad Mag is able to help out in this way. You are so kind to share him with such lovely people.

AareneX said...

I was wondering if you would take Mag to a boarding barn this winter so there could be people around while you ride...or maybe bring in another horse as boarder on your property?

HHmplace said...

What a wonderful story! Especially this time of year!

Anonymous said...

Are you okay?