Wednesday, September 1, 2021


 We're home, a quick 19 hour trip. I cannot type well because I cannot see well because I refused to take a nap and now I've been up without a night in between the wakey times. 

I just wanted to say in my semi delerious state, I keep hearing or feeling my mom talking to me as I type this, behind my back. Or her husband. Or my sister, cuz we wrenched ourselves away from them yesteday and it was hard. 

The last thing my ailing  father said to me, welcoming me back, and now, today, my step father who has been a second father, to me, it was so hard to hear I won't ever forget it. My dad's face broke when I told him, "We're leaving tomorrow for Gerany." Not more than a few days laster my step dad said, "I apologize we couldn't do more, that my  health wouldn't permet, but next time I promise you we will." 

I'm overwhelmed because I love them both so much, and I intend to be with them as much as possible til the end. November cannot come soon enough.

And I seriously feel like I'm in 1. Shelton  and 2. Bellevue 3. Normandy Park, WA. The washer is on spin cycle, I'm on a comfy couch, my crochet is near.......

but I"m in Germany? 

Get out. IT doesn't feel like Gemrany all. It's an illusion. I'm actually in Normandy Park. Bellevue. Shelton. All the sounds are the same (lacking rambuncius kids of course). I even think I smell salt water. Am I really here?

My mom just emailed," GO TO BED." I feel her presence in the room behind me but that is...another continent... ok I'm a little tired. Wait I just hear Joel...

Update: I just woke up on the couch and thought  where the heck am I now..that looks like my book case...oh, wow, really? I'm hoo..o....o wait, why is it so cold in here? Right. I'm home: )

Just checked. It's freaking 50F/10C, yes! How long have we run from the heat? Since July. Well, it's 3AM if that means anything. And for the first time in so very long, there is no one to disturb in the what shall I do....go to sleep? Why is it so dark right now? Jet lag is such a funny thing. I want to go out there and fix my yard!


AareneX said...

Listen to you mother: go to bed!

TeresaA said...

You need to sleep