Monday, July 26, 2021

Seattle trip 2021

J and I are in a motel in Shelton, Washington because after 3 days of family reunion, I came down with viral laryngitis and J is showing symptoms as well. We are supposed to be with my ailing father right now, but we don't want to infect him. We drove and ferried all the way to Shelton to my dad and realized it was a bad idea. Thankfully he agreed, he's very frail.

If anyone has any experience with viral laryngitis I'd appreciate some information. They told me to take ibuprofen and wait it out. I don't wanna share details cuz it's gross. Also, I cannot eat Cheetos.

We went to 4 pharmacies trying to find me a Covid test because I really need to know, despite vaccination and mask adherence. How could I suddenly become ill?  I just worry about my dad and step dad. My mom sprayed her entire body with Lysol today, worried. Suddenly there are no Covid tests available. I have *3* of them at home in Germany, in a drawer; I never dreamed I'd want to test myself due to all the required tests to be allowed to fly.

I wanted to share a few photos and a culture shock. 

When I woke up with horrible throat pain I drove directly to a clinic and during my check-in they wanted to know if I was Hispanic or Latino. The question took me by surprise, so I asked why the black receptioninst had asked. She said, "Because I have to." I said, "But why?" She said, "I don't know, it's not my question, I mean, look at me." 

Later I asked the nurse who treated me and she came up with this, "They wanted to know if you speak English or need a translator." WTH? Wouldn't the question then be, "Do you speak English?" It really concerned me that they only asked about those nationalities, and no others. Are Hispanics being tracked for certain illnesses? Ugh, I hate not knowing.

So far I've only accidentally spoken German to one American: )



Shirley said...

I hope you are better soon- and that you do get to spend some time with your dad.

Nat D said...

oh laryngitis sucks! you can try gargling with salt water or betadine? pharmacist should be able to help. and lots and lots of rest. and homemade chicken broth is always a winner 😁

Kitty Bo said...

I”m so sorry you’re sick and I hope you find a Covid test. Maybe call the local health department and see where they are available? I’m surprised the clinic didn’t have one. Yes, the best medicine for a virus like laryngitis is a tincture of time. Usually at least a week, sometimes longer.

TeresaA said...

Ugh sorry that you are sick. The only answer is time. I can’t believe thst you can’t get a Covid test. Honestly, the America system boggles the mind.

Anonymous said...

Lemon, honey and bourbon for relief but other than that it just has to run it's course. Gosh I feel so bad for you two!! I hope it passes quickly!!

lytha said...

I wanted to say thank you for all your empathy and advice. The clinic called today for a follow up that my problem is not bacterial so it's just a matter of waiting it out.

Shirley, my dad called me yesterday to ask how I am. I didn't know he was that coherent, but to be honest he took notes as we were standing there in his doorway so he could remember what happened later. Notes are part of the way of life for people with dementia. I told him we'll be there as soon as I'm better.

ND, I know about the salt water thing, my grandfather always said to do that. I'm in a hotel so I cannot, but I do eat a lot of salty food. Chicken soup would also be great but again, hotel. We'll call it the "Star Trek Recovery Hotel" because we're just sitting in this room for days watching the Star Trek channel all day long. I went to the pharmacist today and she told me salt water, probiotics and fluids.

KB I must be honest, I could get a formal covid test at a pharmacy or clinic. I'm just so sick of being hurt by those people. We need need it for both flights and both flights in April and it hurts! I just want to buy a self test to reassure my family. But since I'm vaccinated, and I cannot find any, since self tests ran out.

Teresa, to be fair I'm just sick of being jabbed mercilessly to my freaking brain step by those doctors.

Tina, I went and got some other cough/throat drops with lemon and honey. Bourbon would be great but I'm not so sure about buying a bottle for this, considering my husband doesn't drink. Thanks so much. I'm praying for this to end. It just cannot keep going on, right?

Udeb said...

Lytha, thanks for the beautiful pics and best hope for speedy recovery (This is Deb from Issaquah now North Carolina). I had the brain probe test once, then it was two versions of the toilet brush scrubbing, vastly superior experience. Go ask for the brush one!

lytha said...

Udeb, I've had both and although the brush one wasn't as painful, it was still very uncomfortable. I'm hoping to find a self- test or do what Aarene did and ask to do it myself in front of the nurse. BTW our ferry ride this week was on the Issaquah: )

HHmplace said...

Great photos! love the mug! :-)

Nicole A said...

Watch it. You have at least one Latina reader, and your speculation that Hispanics are being tracked for diseases is HIGHLY offensive. There’s this thing called an accent. Welcome to America, where if you have ANY accent, Americans assume you’re Latino, especially in more ignorant parts of the country, I can’t tell you how many times I’ve been sent to talk to clients based on the fact that they had accents…only to realize from me listening to their accent that they were Not Latino. (Philippino, French, Italian, Brazilian…I’ve been asked to translate for all of those…Sorry, my only second language is Spanish!) They no doubt heard your German accent and assumed you were Latina. That’s all.

Nicole A said...

Watch it. You have at least one Latina reader, and your speculation that Hispanics are being tracked for diseases is HIGHLY offensive. There’s this thing called an accent. Welcome to America, where if you have ANY accent, Americans assume you’re Latino, especially in more ignorant parts of the country, I can’t tell you how many times I’ve been sent to talk to clients based on the fact that they had accents…only to realize from me listening to their accent that they were Not Latino. (Philippino, French, Italian, Brazilian…I’ve been asked to translate for all of those…Sorry, my only second language is Spanish!) They no doubt heard your German accent and assumed you were Latina. That’s all.

Nicole A said...

And since you hate not knowing: no, we are not being tracked for diseases anywhere in the United States!! Not in the PNW, not on the East Coast, not anywhere. You have a German accent in English, just like I have an English accent in Spanish: I have accents in both languages from living so long as an expat, as do you. I can hear your German accent in your writing. That nurse was an ignorant fool and assumed you must be Hispanic because of your accent. People in the US make that leap in their assumptions all the time, instead of just asking about the person’s first language. Also: a lot of Latinos/Hispanics *are* white. White skin, blonde or red hair, blue or green eyes: we too also come in all colors. At least the nurse knew that.

lytha said...

Saiph, my husband is kindly telling me to apologize for what I said. He is annoyed that I extrapolated it that way, when I was pissed that I was asked to single out Hispanics specifically. Now that I read your response I begin to get why I was asked, and perhaps I would be less offended if I'd had known. Everyone gets asked if they are Hispanic if they have "any accent at all* ....why the singling out of Hispanics? Is it specific racism against one particular group? One answer I got was "to provide you with a translator" but why wouldn't they just straight up ask me for a translator? That should not offend anyone, at least I hope. What is wrong with this country. I sound slightly differently and look American and I have to answer another question on my clinic entry form. Kind of makes me want to stay in Germany, I'm afraid to say.

We have to get covid tested, again and again. Every time J has to enter RACE on the form, he says, "Well, human, what else?" The question does not exist in his world.