Tuesday, June 1, 2021

I live in the land of milk and honey..

For livestock. Every single year it blows my mind how hay just grows without help. It just grows by the grace of God, enormous amounts of mixed grass hay, cutting after cutting. Because it's so freaking wet here and the sun shines almost every day. (The sun did not shine 2 days in the month of May, one of them my birthday, ha!)

A little old neighbor lady stopped to chat with me as I was moving my temporary fenceline 2 days ago. She said, "Why aren't they mowing yet?" I said, "I know, it's the end of May!!!!" Well, the next day they did.

And today they flipped it and rowed it. It's been hot and dry this past week, so perfect for hay, and I'm curious if they'll just make silage out of it anyway, cuz it's going to the milk farms. That would be a shame.

My soul rejoices at this "free horse food" that grows without irrigation or pesticide.


I said to Mag today, "This means no shortage at all this year. No worries, there will be enough for everyone." 


Of course our pasture looks pathetic in comparison cuz my animals are on it all Winter. But every July our pasture somehow bounces back from the abuse, without fertilizer, and gives us enough hay for the year. 

And since our animals are living on grazing strips, currently 3 sides of our pasture have the strips, about 20 meters wide, they are complaining about it and requiring last year's hay, still. We have 18 bales left to get us to next harvest. They eat 1/3 (small) bale per day.......

I have hay pastures all around me right now, in all directions. It's a thing of beauty. And smells awesome.


TeresaA said...

I love the smell of fresh hay.

AareneX said...

A-a-a-almost time for hay harvest!