Friday, March 19, 2021

Memories of Summer

I found these photos in my inbox today and they made me happy. It was a funny photoshoot on #72 where the photographer had me running away from her, Mag following me, and then I'd stay there and she'd call Mag to her. It worked! Mag thought it was great fun, running with me and then away. 



AareneX said...

Those are great pictures. All the greens and blues!

TeresaA said...

He is such a photogenic horse!

lytha said...

Aarene, You're right, the atmosphere turned blue in that second one.

Teresa, He is when my talented professional photographer friend points a camera at him! We go to a lot of trouble getting good shots, with lots of planning and sometimes using reflectors and running around with him, me, my husband, her husband...*lol*

HHmplace said...

Such a charismatic boy! I love it when good, ole photos pop up!